Wonderful Life


Avenged Sevenfold had officially released their new album titled Nightmare. They went to Best Buy and had a signing and the line was super long. I knew that they were a well known band, but I hadn't realized just how many fans they had. Kellan and Nikki had done their LA premiere of the movie Eclipse for the Twilight Saga. I had been Kellan's date for that it was a completely insane experience.

Now, the band was getting ready to start the Uproar tour with Stone Sour, Halestorm, and Disturbed. There was also going to be four other bands before the big show. I could tell that my brother was excited about this tour because they were going to be doing things that they've normally done at performances, but to more of an extreme than before.

We would be starting on the East Coast and making our way back towards California. I was excited because I was going to be making money again. Something that I needed to do since I spent the majority of my savings account on making a demo disc with a band that didn't end up working out. I only wish that Gemma and Cassie could come with us because then Christian would no longer bother her for a few months.

She needed the break and I hoped that she could meet up with us once this whole court shit that Christian pulled was over with. I found the whole thing fucking ridiculous, but by now I knew that he would do just about anything to try and screw Gemma over.

If I had chosen a career in law then there would be no way that he would have even been on the streets after the rape. He would already be behind bars like he needs to be. I couldn't do much at the moment except give my full support to Gemma. I had to finish with my packing though because this tour was going to be long.

I was looking forward to meeting Lzzy Hale from the band Halestorm. They were the first opening act of the tour and I heard their music and I liked it a lot. My phone buzzed on my nightstand and I stopped packing to answer it.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey baby," Kellan's smooth voice came through the speaker.

"Hey," I said, a smile forming on my lips.

"What are you up to?" he asked.

"I'm packing for the tour," I answered.

"I forgot you were leaving for awhile. I'm gonna miss you," he said.

"I'm not gone yet," I laughed.

"I know, but at least I can call you. Maybe I'll be able to see one of the shows," he said.

"That would be awesome if you could," I said. I had been asked by my brothers to be a femme fatal at some of the concerts and I was hoping that maybe Kellan would be able to come to one where he could see me do that. I wanted to freak him out a little. I thought it would be funny.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" he asked.

"No, we don't leave for another two weeks," I said.

"Good, because I want to take you out a few times before you leave," he said.

"I'd like that," I said.

"So, tonight I'm going to pick you up for our first date before you leave and each date will be super special," he told me.

"Do I get any hints?" I asked.

"Nope they are all going to be surprises," he said.

"But then how will I know what to wear?" I asked.

"I'll tell you in a generalization. For instance, tonight wear something semi-formal," he said.

"I can do that. If you can come to one of the shows then we'll go out that night," I said.

"Of course we'll go out," he said.

"Good. So what time are you picking me up tonight," I asked.

"Five thirty, so be ready," he said.

"Alright see you then," I said with a smile.

I hung up the phone after he said his goodbyes. I added some more clothes into my suitcase. I already knew that I was going to be taking at least two suitcases on this tour. Every tour I ever went on I was always taking at least two, plus a small carry-on like bag for souvenirs that I wanted to buy from each state we were in if possible. One of my habits was collecting shot glasses that were decorative and ones that I didn't use for fun. I found it fun to look at them. My brother never understood why I did it, but I can remember Jimmy trying to steal one so he could use it. He actually managed to do so one night, but I made him buy me a new one that wasn't used after that. He stopped stealing my shot glasses since.

Once I was done adding some clothes to my suitcase I closed the lid and then placed it on the floor where I moved it so that it was underneath my bed. I wasn't leaving for another two weeks, so I still had some time to pack everything. I looked at the time and realized that I had about three hours before Kellan would come pick me up. I sighed hoping that I didn't have to use all three of those hours, but knew that I could if I needed to. I picked up my phone and called my life saving people. After I closed it I had a huge smile on my face. Val, Gena, and Michelle were going to come help me again for my date. It was going to be absolutely wonderful.

I never really liked dressing up, but Kellan really brought it out in me and I liked that a lot. I didn't have to wait too long before Michelle, Val, and Gena arrived. They ended up bringing five dresses for me to try on. I told them that they didn't need to bring dresses, but they insisted. There was no use in talking them down when it came to dressing up. I looked at all the dresses carefully. Kellan had told me that I needed to dress semi-formal for tonight. I was really curious on what he had planned, but I knew that he would not give me any kind of hint as to what it was.

"So, which one do you like the most?" Val asked eagerly.

I stared at the dresses. All of them were different and unique. "I'm not a pink person, no matter how pale the pink is," I stated flatly. Michelle took the pale pink dress away and since we were similar in size she said she'd wear at some point. I turned my attention back to the other four dresses. One of the dresses was a spaghetti strap grey tie-dye looking dress that if worn could reach to about mid thigh. Another one was red and looked like a halter dress. I really loved that one, but I also like the light blue one that was next to it. I couldn't seem to choose.

"So, which one do you like the most," Gena asked excitedly.

"I don't know which one to choose, but I'm down to the blue and red one," I pointed to the two.

Val picked up the blue dress and held it in front of me. "Not good enough try both of them on and then we'll help you decide," she said matter-of-factly.

I sighed not wanting to play dress up games, but then again I did ask for their assistance so I obliged. I took the blue one first and then put it on. I didn't have any problem changing in front of them since my door was closed. Once the dress was in place I looked at the girls for their opinions.

"It looks nice, but maybe not for this particular date. Try the red one," Michelle piped up.

"I agree with Michelle on this one," both Val and Gena said.

I rolled my eyes and unzipped the back of the blue dress. That's when the thought occurred to me. "Wait, do you know anything about where he's taking me," I asked.

"No of course not," Gena said.

I sighed hoping that I could have coerced and answer out of them. I placed the blue dress back on the hanger and Val promptly hung it up in my closet. I grabbed the red one was very pretty and I really loved it. I stepped into it and then pulled it up so that it was in place. I zipped it up and then let my hands fall to my sides.

"Absolutely perfect," Val squealed delightedly.

I giggled at her excitement. I should be the one squealing and jumping up and down, but I wasn't that type of girl. I guess that's the result of always hanging out with guys when I was younger. I learned how to fight and hold my liquor really well because of my brother. Once the dress was perfect Gena forced me into a chair and started on my hair. She didn't even ask me how I would want my hair to be styled. She just attacked it.

She pulled and scrunched it to the point where I felt like I was going to cry in pain. My head was far from sensitive, but the amount of pulling that she was doing with my hair made it hurt more than usual. I don't know how much longer it took for Gena to finish my hair, but when the pulling stopped I breathed a sigh of relief. Next came make-up something that I really didn't care to wear, but I knew that the girls were only trying to help.

The make-up portion didn't take as long as my hair did and I assumed it was because they were just accenting my natural features. I was glad that the poking, pulling, and prodding was finally done. "Alright, your hair and make-up are done," Michelle said excitedly.

"Alright, so now what," I asked rolling my eyes at their excitement.

"Shoes," they all squealed.

I groaned, but let a smile grace my lips nonetheless. Michelle left my room and wandered to hers, but returned five minutes later with an armful of shoes. "Michelle these are all your favorite pairs of shoes," I exclaimed incredulous.

"I know, but I love you and I'm going to let you borrow a pair," she grinned.

I looked at the pile of shoes that were neatly lined up by my closet. I wasn't sure how long this process was going to take, but I was hoping not long. I was starting to run out of time. Kellan would be here to pick me up soon and I didn't want to keep him waiting. "Alright, so do you want to wear red shoes or black shoes?" Gena asked.

"Black, because if I wore red it would be too much red," I said.

"Very true, so wear these shoes and take this clutch with you," Michelle said handing me a black clutch and black heels that weren't to spiky or too tall. I turned towards Michelle and hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much for your help," I said. I gave hugs to the other two as well and thanked them for all their help. Just as I finished putting my shoes on the doorbell rang. I picked up the clutch that had all the essentials I needed and went to leave the room.

"Wait, one more thing," Val shrieked.

I turned around and stared at her confused. "What?" I asked.

"You need earrings," she said simply. She walked over to me and then handed me two ruby heart shaped earrings. I looked at them and then handed her my clutch so that I could put them in. The doorbell rang again and I finished with the last earring before taking my clutch from Val. With last minute hugs I ran down the stairs and opened the door to see Kellan. I smiled at him and then kissed his lips.

"Hey stranger," I said.

"You look stunning," he said kissing me. He took my arm and then led me to his car.