Wonderful Life


I stood there, gripping Sam's hand, hoping that the judge had enough common sense to not give Christian partial custody. I couldn't fathom what my life would be like if he was given even an inch around Cassie. I didn't want someone like him around, poisoning her against her whole family. He'd screw everything I considered to be my life, up. A few minutes later, I looked to the judge, who wasn't looking too thrilled about any of this. I wondered if he was thinking that I was an idiot, or if Christian was a monster like I thought he was.

Turning to look at Sam, he had a very reassuring look on his face, like no matter what happened, we would deal with it and get through it. And it was then that I just knew that he was the one. He was the only one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, someone who would take care of me and take care of Cassie and that was all I needed to know.

"I have to say that this is one of the most disturbing cases I've ever seen in my forty years as a judge at this bench." He looked to me and then to Christian who looked like he was about to blow a gasket. I knew that fighting back, not giving in would piss him off and he knew that trying to take Cassie from me was something that would rattle me. He knew me well enough to know my weaknesses, my strengths and what to do to torment me. I couldn't help but think about what an idiot I was to even get involved with him. I couldn't ever see who he really was, I only wanted to see the good in him, only there wasn't any.

I looked from where Sam stood to the judge again. If he did this, if he gave Christian any part in Cassie's life to Christian, I would run. It was plain and simple. I didn't need to stick around and watch someone who used to be my best friend, ruin my life again for the second time. I mean, it wasn't like I considered Cassie something bad in my life, but Christian had a habit ruining my life.

"I've overlooked everything. From Miss Ryan's medical report to the numerous police reports that have been filed. In all my life, I've never seen something like this. Looking at all these facts, hearing everything from Miss Haner, Mr. Haner, Mr. Worthington....I can only imagine what could happen if I in fact gave the both of you joint custody." He began, and I felt my stomach drop.

Distracted by what the judge was saying, I didn't feel Sam's arm around my waist, steadying me in case I fell. I had a feeling that Christian was always going to be in my life, and nothing was ever going to be the same.

"So, what I'm going to do is this. Gemma Ryan will maintain full custody of Cassandra Ryan. Miss Ryan will be the sole guardian of Cassandra Ryan. And the restraining order against Mr. Bale will be in effect permanently." He announced looking between the both of us and when I heard that sentence, I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest and I could breathe.

Then the judge turned to Christian. "Mr. Bale, if there happens to be any situation where you or others have harassed Mr. Worthington, Miss Ryan or Miss Haner, or even Cassandra Ryan, then I assure you that then there will be severe consequences. I will not hesitate in taking legal action against you, and I assure you that I won't be lenient." The judge explained and reluctantly, Christian nodded.

"I understand, your honor." He replied, looking defeated. And for a second, I felt my heart break for him, simply because, he was once family, and he was Cassie's father. I knew that he wouldn't ever be able to be replaced by Sam, but I couldn't risk him in her life, so I was going to focus on moving on. Christian turned to me, giving me one last glance before exiting the room.

Sam must have been watching my expression, because the next thing I knew, his arms were around me and I was looking into his blue-green eyes.

"It's okay." He smoothed my hair back, rubbing my shoulder softly.

I sighed. "I didn't want all of this to happen. I mean, if he had just left me alone, I don't know....Maybe I would have been comfortable enough to let him see her. But he just....He wouldn't leave me alone. I am sad that he's....I mean, he's her father, but...I don't know. I really just don't know about anything. Not anymore." I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest.

"You didn't know how he would react. And truthfully, I'm not saying this to deliberately piss you off, but Cassie is better off with you. You don't need him, Gemma. He isn't good for you and you having him in your life, her life, would not be a good thing." He pulled away to look down at me.

I knew that he was right. "I know. Can we go home now? I'd like to just forget about this day. I really want to go pick up Cassie and go home. I have to call Colbie and tell her all about what happened." I said, as he let go of me and we began to walk out of the courtroom.


That next week, it was a Saturday afternoon and I had nothing planned. Sam surprisingly had nothing planned, so that was perfect and he suggested that we go to the park and enjoy the warm, sunny day. It was a bit muggy still. The last few days, I'd been running my fans like crazy along with the A/C simply because it was stifling in the house, not to mention I was wearing mostly a tank top and a pair of shorts. I was just thankful that we didn't have rolling blackouts or anything because that would suck really bad.

Today, was Sunday, a lazy day. But I spent the morning cleaning the house. I hadn't been home much between court and work, so the house was definitely a mess. Sam volunteered to keep a crawling Cassie occupied while I cleaned the living room, her room, our bedroom, the kitchen, the spare room and the downstairs area, plus our two bathrooms. It wasn't something that I liked doing, cleaning, but it had to get done.

Around two, I was done and changed into a clean pair of shorts and a t-shirt and headed out to the living room and couldn't help but smile at what I saw. Sam was sitting on the floor, his back against the couch while Cassie sat in his lap, holding onto his fingers and cooing at him. Her brown hair was smooth, and she looked simply adorable in her little pink onesie. She was still small for her age, but she was growing so much.

I walked over and sat down beside him, and as soon as Cassie saw me, she gave me a toothless grin.

"Hi, sweet girl." I said, as her tiny hand gripped onto mine. "Are you having fun?"

Cassie scooted her butt over onto my lap and grabbed onto the collar of my t-shirt pulling herself up, which she could do now. She was crawling, babbling and doing so much. She had improved so much since we'd brought her home from the hospital.

"How's Mom?" Sam asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close.

I sighed and shrugged, leaning against his side. "She's good. Tired but good." I answered, drawing my knees up to cradle Cassie, letting her lay against them.

Without all the drama that ensued from the custody case these past few months, my life had returned to normal. Sam and I were fine, happier than we'd ever been and Cassie was great. My mother and father were busy with their latest projects and charities and that was fine with me. They had been through a lot, helping me with Cassie that I wanted them to have some time to themselves.

"Did you talk to Colbie?" Sam asked, as Cassie slid off my lap and headed for her basket of toys in the corner of the living room.

I nodded and turned to look at him, a smile on my face. "Yeah. She's good. Everyone's good. She's thrilled to hear that Christian is out of our lives. She never did like him." I sighed, leaning against him, turning to watch Cassie play with her plastic, interlocking rings, biting on them.

"Does Colbie ever like anyone that you date? Or is it just Christian she didn't and doesn't like?" Sam asked, chuckling.

I bit my lip, chuckling. "I've never really had any guys clamoring to be with me, though Colbie actually does like you. Well, she didn't when you thought that I was dating Christian and you at the same time. But she does like you. She thinks that you're a great guy, just like I do and her opinion will only change if you do something stupid." I told him.

"Well, then I better never ever do anything stupid." He laughed.

I nodded. "That's right, otherwise you'll have not just her, but Brian on your ass." I added.

"So, now that you're free for the day, do you have anything really special planned? Because I was thinking that we could take Cassie to the park again. It's a nice day and I don't think that we should spend it inside cooped up." He suggested.

"Let's go. I'm free. And to get out of the house would be great." I replied.
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Gemma - Lounging