Wonderful Life


Tonight was the night that my prank was going to happen. The Berry brothers were going to pick him up at the airport and I made sure to tell them to be nice. I didn't want any problems to start between my family and my boyfriend. Things were going well between us and I wanted it to continue like that. The last few shows I have been the person on the risers and dropping as the first notes of the song Nightmare play. The first time I did it, I was extremely nervous, but after doing it a few times it became a thrill and I had to beg Brian to let me do it after the prank.

I had a faint red ring around my neck, but it wasn't too noticeable. I was only allowed to do this one last time after this prank because Brian was of course being a worry wart again. I couldn't fault him on that though because I knew he cared about me.

"Colbie, are you almost ready?" Brian asked, walking into the dressing room.

"Yep, I'll be in position within five minutes," I answered.

He grinned. He was going to have fun watching Kellan's face. I only wished that I could see it. I had made Jason promise to tape his reaction to me doing this because I wanted to see it afterwards. Kellan would be staying with us on the road for the next three stops and I was really looking forward to having him with me. His schedule was busy, but he was able to have a few days off to stay with me. This tour has been a hit and Cory Taylor was really nice.

He and I had got to talking back stage before he went on and he was funny. Lzzy Hale had become a good friend of mine as well. Her brother Archie was fun to hang out with too because he showed me a few tricks on the drums. I showed him a few of my stuff, but Archie had a hard time picking up on it. Mike was a good sport as well. I was glad that he agreed to do this for my family because I knew that it meant a lot to him.

I checked my appearance in the mirror and then took a deep breath. I then left the dressing room and headed towards my position. Kellan should be arriving soon and I couldn't wait to see him. I had missed him so much. I couldn't wait to see Nikki again either. She had called a week ago and said that she'd come out to a show as well and Brian was going to allow me to pull the prank on her as well. I was excited. I stood up on the riser and then held on as it was raised into the air.

The rest of the set was all ready in place. Stone Sour had just finished their act and now the guys were waiting. I could hear the crowd screaming and chanting for Avenged Sevenfold. It warmed my heart to see that their fans still stood behind them after such a tragedy. I looked down and grinned when I saw Kellan being led to the side of the stage. I frowned when he pulled my brother off to the side. I wasn't sure what they were talking about, but by my brother's stance he didn't like it one bit. Fear shot through my bloodstream as I watched them. I had a mike in my ear and was told that I had about five more minutes before I had to make the plunge. My eyes continued to watch my brother and Kellan.

After about five minutes of straight talking, my brother gave Kellan a hug and then picked up his guitar. I was completely confused, but my cue was coming up fast. I shook my head out of the thoughts as I went into the motions of the act. I grabbed the rope and made sure that the harness was secure underneath my clothes. I didn't want anything to go wrong considering I'd be up there hanging the entire song. The opening notes came on and I started messing around with the ropes. I placed the noose around my neck and then literally dropped and I felt the strain on my neck. I breathed through my nose to make sure that I was okay as my eyes slipped closed. I had to make this believable.


"Colbie, baby, wake up. Please wake up," a voice said.

My head hurt and everything was hazy. I didn't remember being lowered and I sure as hell didn't remember anything after I had closed my eyes.

"Colbie you need to wake up," a voice I recognized as Brian's say.

I let out a groan as I tried to move. I could feel my heartbeat, but it wasn't a very strong beat. I started to panic thinking something had gone wrong without them knowing. I was scared and my heartbeat started to race. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. It felt as if I had a lead weight on each eye lid.

"Colbie, baby," the same voice as the first one said.

It took me awhile to realize that it was Kellan speaking. I had really scared the shit out of him by the sounds of it. That wasn't my intention though. I was just supposed to prank him, but something must have gone wrong. That was the only explanation. After about another two minutes or so I finally felt my eyelids flutter open. Everything was blurry, but I managed to focus my eyes on one thing. I blinked and everything slowly came into focus.

"Oh thank God you're awake," Kellan said.

I felt his weight over me and lifted my arms around him. I couldn't remember much of what happened after I made the drop from the riser. Everything was all foggy, but I hoped that someone would be able to tell me something.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted while up in the harness," Brian answered.

I groaned and held my head as I sat up. Kellan's arms instantly went around me and I relaxed into his embrace. I wasn't supposed to faint.

"You scared the shit out of me," Kellan murmured against my ear.

"I'm sorry. I only meant to pull a prank on you," I answered.

He chuckled and I smiled. "I know. Brian and the rest of them informed me of it," he said.

"Are we back on the road?" I asked.

"Yeah. We're headed towards the next venue and no you will not be up on the riser again," Brian said with a playful glare.

I stuck my tongue out at him as I snuggled into Kellan's warmth.

"Do we have a hotel for the next one?" I asked.

"No not this one, but the next one we do," Matt answered.

I smiled. I loved my family.

"Oh and Colbie, Gemma called," Zacky said.

"What did she say?" I asked sitting up a little.

"She had the verdict of the court case," he answered.


"Well, Christian has been permanently restrained from Cassie, Gemma, Sam, and you. If he harasses you then the judge will take extreme action," he answered.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Good," I mumbled.

Kellan chuckled and held me tighter. I leaned against him and rested my head on his chest. I was happy to have him with me again. I missed him holding me because I felt safe with him.


The concert was in full swing. The guys were hanging out in the back as the Berry Brothers and other crew members were getting everything organized. I was sitting in the back room with Kellan even though I should have been getting the Merchandise booth together. I sighed and patted Kellan on the leg before standing up.

"Where are you going, babe?" he asked.

"I have to set the booth up because somebody won't let me have any fun," I said sticking my tongue out at Brian.

He just rolled his eyes at me and I laughed. I left the backstage area and went to grab the boxes of merchandise from the crew bus cargo compartments. Someone at the venue showed me where I would be stationed at and I was glad that I would still be able to watch the show at the venue. I hated missing any show because I knew how great my brother and his friends were when it came to music.

Once the booth was set up and Matt Berry was watching over the stuff I went to go and collect
Kellan. I was going to make him work with me so that I could spend time with him. My time was limited and I wanted to be able to spend as much time with him as possible.

I thanked Matt for watching the booth for me after I had returned with Kellan. About an hour passed and then the gates to the venue opened and the booth was swarmed with fans wanting to buy stuff. Kellan helped me sell merchandise and I was able to keep things orderly and organized. I had a system that I used and it worked every time. When the crowd had died down I was able to pay attention to Lzzy Hale and her band play. I laughed at Archie's craziness. He reminded me a lot of Jimmy and I was happy to see that kind of passion for music still around. Kellan's arms went around my waist as I watched and I leaned back into him.

"I missed you," I said.

"I missed you too," he said and kissed my cheek.

Halestorm finished their set and Stone Sour came on. About half way through Stone Sour's set Kellan left saying that he had to go do something. I frowned wishing that I had him with me as I watched. Just as Stone Sour finished their last song Matt Berry came up to me and told me that I had to go to the side of the stage. I asked him why and he said that Brian wanted me up there. I shrugged and went over to the stage. I showed my pass and the guards let me through. Kellan was standing on Zacky's side of the stage and he waved at me. I smiled and waved back. The curtain had been dropped so that the stage could be set. I looked at the set and smiled with pride.

The show started and I heard the many gasps when Jason dropped from the riser above the stage. I wish that I had been the one up there, but I knew that it was dangerous. After Nightmare was finished Matt talked with the crowd. They roared with excitement and then I saw Kellan shift out of the corner of my eye. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He just shook his head with a soft smile.

I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion when I saw Brian step towards the microphone he used. This wasn't normal. He didn't usually speak. I was even more confused when Kellan walked out on the stage and he started joking around with them all.

"So, who wants to see my sister Colbie Haner?" Brian yelled.

The crowd erupted and I froze in my spot.

"All right. She seems a bit scared, so come on make some noise and maybe she'll come out here and join us," he said looking right at me.

Again the crowd roared with excitement.

I took a few steps out onto the stage before Jason Berry picked me up and brought me into
view of the crowd. My face was red with embarrassment and I glared at Jason. He just grinned at me. Kellan walked towards me with Matt's mike in his hand and I was confused.

"Colbie, ever since I laid eyes on you the day I came into the hospital, I was smitten. You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on and I am happy to call you my girlfriend, but I don't want you just as my girlfriend anymore. I have been doing a lot of thinking and I want you by my side forever," he said.

My heart skipped a few beats and I my hands went to my mouth when Matt took the mike from Kellan. Kellan knelt down on one knee in front of me and produced a little black velvet box. Matt stuck the microphone in front of Kellan's face and Kellan spoke into it.

"Colbie, I want to be able to protect you from all harm. I want to be able to wake up to you on my days off and your days off from work. I want you to travel with me and I want to be able to travel with you. I want us to be together forever. Will you marry me?" he asked opening the box.

I gasped as tears formed in my eyes. One fell down my cheek as I looked behind me at Brian. He had a grin on his face and that told me that he was in on this whole thing. I nodded my head as I turned back to Kellan.

"Yes," I answered.

Kellan grinned and stood up. He slipped the ring on my finger and the crowd cheered with excitement. He picked me up and twirled me around on the stage and I giggled as I held onto him. We shared a kiss and then Matt looked at us both.

"All right, now that's done I just have one last thing to say Kellan," he said. "WELCOME TO THE FUCKING FAMILY," he roared into the mike.

The crowd cheered and they started playing the song. Kellan and I ran off stage from Zacky's side and to the back room. Lzzy met me in the hallways and she squealed with joy when I showed her. She gave me a hug and threatened for an invitation and I laughed promising that she and the rest of them were going to get an invitation. I was happy. Kellan made me happy and I was glad that we were going to get married. The rest of this tour couldn't come sooner. I was going to be busy planning my wedding during the rest of the tour. The last day of this tour was going to be on Zacky's birthday in Las Vegas and I wanted my wedding to be soon after that. I had a lot of planning ahead of me, but I was okay with that.

I knew that Gemma would help once I told her and I made a mental note to call her with the news later. At the moment I just wanted to spend time with my fiancé. Once we got back to the back room Kellan sat down and I sat down on his lap and we just started making out. I could hear the songs from the stage and when I knew that the guys were almost done with their set I dragged Kellan out of the backroom and towards the exit so we could have another hour of privacy on the bus.
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Again I apologize for the long ass wait on this update. Life has been crazy busy, but I am glad to say that updates will be a bit more frequent since this story is almost done! I hope you enjoy. And this time I mean it on the frequent updates too....haha.