Wonderful Life


My little girl was growing so much! She was able to wiggle her butt every place she could. I couldn't believe the progress she'd made over these last few months, but it was amazing. There were days when I secretly longed for Christian to see her progress, but knew that it was just the small connection we had through Cassie. I didn't dare say anything to Sam or Colbie. I mean, I knew that I shouldn't have thought that way, but sometimes, I did.

As of now, I was lounging around, Cassie laying on her belly in the middle of the room, entranced by Mickey Mouse. Sam was working and would be home later tonight, so we girlies were kicking back and waiting for Daddy to get home. Cassie actually called Sam her Daddy, finally able to utter Dada and his eyes lit up the first time he heard her say that. I was kind of jealous, hearing her say that instead of Mama but she'd be talking nonstop pretty soon.

"Dada." Cassie babbled, crawling over to where I sat, watching her climb over my legs into my lap.

I ran a hand through her dark hair. "Yep, Daddy will be home soon. And he'll be so happy to see you. And Auntie Colbie will be happy to see you. Uncle Brian will too." I cooed, seeing her smile at me.

"Dada." She repeated, grabbing at my t-shirt.

Cassie was the light of my life, the apple of my eye and not only me, but her grandparents who doted on her. They were happy to have her in their lives, no matter how she had gotten here, and I was too. In the beginning, I was scared that I wouldn't be able to love her, that I would only look at her and see what Christian did to me.

But the moment I held her, she was my world.


"How are my girls?" A voice called as I finished dressing Cassie from her bath. She was wearing a white and pink striped onesie.

I smiled, feeling a kiss planted on the side of my cheek. "We're great. Just getting ready for bed." I handed Cassie over to Sam who was looking thrilled to see his baby girl.

"Hello, love." He grinned, making Cassie smile. "Have you been good for your Mum?"

I grinned. "She was an angel. Although, she did miss her Daddy very much. All she could do was say your name." I responded, brushing my bangs out of my face.

"Really? Well, Daddy's home for a while. At least until, the premieres and photo calls." He cradled Cassie against his shoulder.

Him being home was going to be a wonderful thing. With the guys and Colbie being on tour, it got lonely sometimes when it was just me and Cassie.

Later that night, after Cassie was put to bed and sound asleep, I got ready for bed, along with Sam and we caught up with each other.

"So, have you heard from Colbie?" Sam asked.

I shook my head. "She's been extremely busy with the tour and all that. I've either been working or with Cassie, so not lately." I replied, laying back and getting comfortable.

"Yeah. Brian said she had something to tell you, but she wanted to do it in person." He added.

I wondered what she was going to tell me, what was very important that she couldn't tell me over the phone. I couldn't think about what it was and guessed I'd find out when she came home in a few days.
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Sorry it's so short.

Gemma - Lounging