Wonderful Life


The tour was almost over. I had spent the majority of it planning for a New Year wedding. Kellan had gone back to his own schedule about two weeks after he had proposed. Brian could tell that I was happy. I made sure to punch the crap out of him and Matt for embarrassing the crap out of me in front of millions of fans. They only laughed at me. Plans were going well. I hadn't found my dress yet, but I wouldn't look for it until I got back home. I wanted to do dress shopping with Gemma. I was ecstatic that Christian would no longer be in our lives. Sam was good enough for her. I hadn't spoken to her in awhile, but that was because I was too excited and wanted to tell her the news in person.

We were on our way to one of the last and final shows with Lzzy and Corey. I had given them an invitation all ready. Not a written one, but a verbal one. Lzzy and Corey had given me their address so that I could give them the official invite once Kellan and I got them in. When I had suggested that we do a New Year wedding Kellan thought that, that was a good idea. He said it would be a new beginning for the both of us. Kellan had mentioned that he had wanted me and my brother and his wife to come for Christmas dinner with his family when we were done touring. We had agreed because Kellan would be coming to dinner with my family as well.

The rest of the tour I was standing on the side of the stage and handing the guys water or cups of beer when they took breaks in performing. They would be touring again after the New Year, but this time they would be going to Europe. I was looking forward to going with them this time around. I loved spending time with my brother and I knew he loved hanging with me.

"Colbie, you almost ready?" Zacky asked.

I looked up and over my shoulder at him. I smiled and nodded. This would be the last concert with Lzzy and Corey. They wouldn't be going to Vegas with us.

"You ready to go to Vegas after this?" I asked him.

He grinned. "Damn straight," he chuckled.

I laughed at him and shook my head. They were all so typical, but I loved them for it. They completed my life and if Brian's family hadn't adopted me then I wouldn't have found this much happiness. I put away my wedding plans and then followed Zacky out of the bus. I was looking forward to this show. I didn't want to say goodbye to Lzzy or Archie or even Corey for that matter, but I knew that I would have to. I had Lzzy's cell number as well as Archie's and Corey's cell, so I knew this wouldn't be the last time I would contact them. After all, Lzzy agreed to be a bridesmaid in my wedding. She was ecstatic to be asked and I was happy she agreed.

We made arrangements for us to meet up in Huntington Beach to find dresses after I got done with the Vegas show. I shielded my eyes against the harshness of the bright sunlight. I turned my head so that I could look through my bag for my sunglasses, but I couldn't seem to find them. As I walked I searched through my bag until I ended up walking into someone. I fell down on my ass hard.

"Hey, are you all right?" a voice asked.

I looked up and blinked, but that didn't get rid of the harsh sunlight. I tried shading my eyes, but that didn't work either.

"Here," the same voice said.

A hand appeared in my line of vision and I grabbed hold. The arm lifted me up and I held on a little longer to help steady myself.

"Sorry. I was trying to search for my sunglasses. The damn sunlight is blinding as fuck," I told the person.

"It's all right. I know what you mean. This sun is killer," the person said.

I looked up at the person and felt my cheeks flame with embarrassment. "David, I didn't recognize your voice at first. How are things going?" I asked.

He chuckled again. "Things are going well. I'll just be glad when this tour is over. As much fun as this is I miss my home. I want to be able to relax again," he said.

I smiled. "Understandable. So, any plans for New Years besides drinking and having a good time?" I asked.

"No, not really. I might throw a party, but I'm not sure yet. It's still a bit of a ways away," he said.

"Well don't plan anything," I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because, you have plans all ready silly," I said.

"I do?" he wondered.

"Yes, you're going to be at my wedding and having a good time with the rest of us," I told him.

"Wedding?" he asked.

"Yep. Didn't you hear the live announcement my fiancé and brother cooked up behind my back?" I asked.

"Oh that was you?" he said.

"Yes, that was me. As embarrassing as that was, I'm happy. I'd be even happier if you and your band mates would come and celebrate with me," I told him.

"That'll be fun. Remind me after the show tonight to give you my address so you can send me an invite. I'll be sure to let my band mates know too," he said.

"Awesome. Now, let's get into the venue. This sunlight is killing my eyes," I laughed.

"Good idea," he said and held out his arm.

I smacked him before grabbing hold of his arm and walking into the venue with him. I never really talked with David or any of the other members of Disturbed, but David seemed like an all right kind of guy. I watched a few of their shows and some of the songs sent chills down my spine, but their music was great.


The concert had started. Sound check went well and now I was watching Lzzy rock out on the stage. I loved her voice and practically begged her to teach me a few things once the tour was over. She came to the side of the stage and I handed her the bottle of wine she used for this next song she did. Her voice in it was absolutely amazing and I loved it. She poured a glass and then walked back over to me and I took the bottle back. She said her speech and then downed the wine before starting in on the song A Familiar Taste of Poison.

I closed my eyes and just listened because I thought that the song was absolutely amazing. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I remembered drumming with Jimmy and how scared I was that he had found out my little secret. I remembered how I begged him to not say anything. I watched him take a deep breath as if he were going to yell for Brian and my eyes had widened in shock, but he just grinned at me and said that my secret was safe with him.

I had tackled him to the ground and whacked him a few times in the shoulder and told him that it wasn't funny. He had wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly and I finally calmed down and thanked him. That was when he told me that he would teach me a few of his own tricks. I literally kissed him on the lips when he told me that because I was ecstatic. He only chuckled and told me that if I didn't get off of him then he wouldn't be able to teach me. I missed him like crazy and wished that he could see me walk down the aisle. I knew that he could though. It just wouldn't be the same to see his blue eyes sparkle with joy at the fact that I had found happiness in someone.

I opened my eyes as the last note played and my eyes locked with Lzzy's. She smiled at me and then started on her last song of the evening. Once she was done singing she said goodnight to the crowd and then walked towards me. I hugged her tightly and told her that she did great. I then hugged Archie who was sweaty as fuck, but I didn't care. It was just like hugging my brother and his band mates after their shows. It was no big deal to me.

Corey's band then came on and I stood at the side to watch him and his band perform. It was nothing like Slipknot considering that Corey actually showed his true face with this band. Slipknot had good music, but I liked seeing Corey's face. He said that his whole family would be at the wedding and I would get to meet his wife and kids and that was going to be fun. I could see myself being a mother, but I knew that it would be difficult if I decided to be the new drummer for Avenged Sevenfold. I knew that I wouldn't go back to being a nurse. Memories of the rape were still to strong and I wanted to make sure that they wouldn't haunt me anymore before I made any kind of career move.

Corey's band finished up their performance and the curtain dropped. I giggled at the groans from the crowd. I helped put the set together and then stood on the side of the stage. Matt, Zacky, and Mike stood next to me. I turned to them all and gave each one a hug.

"Knock them all dead," I grinned.

Matt chuckled and hugged me back along with Zacky and Mike. Brian and Johnny were on the other side of the stage. I waved to them and blew them each a kiss since it would take me forever to get across the stage to them for hugs. They blew back their kisses and then the curtain dropped as the first notes of Nightmare started up. The crowd exploded into cheers. I smiled as Mike walked out onto the stage and sat down behind the drum kit. Johnny and Brian walked out on the stage and started playing along with Zack. Matt soon put the mike up to his lips and he screamed into it the opening words of the song. The crowd went wild at hearing him.

I smiled as I watched them perform. I loved it. The excitement it provided was just amazing. Matt talked with the crowd in between songs and sometimes he didn't. Tears formed in my eyes when he talked about Jimmy. They played the song Brian wrote for him titled So Far Away and I couldn't hold the tears back. A few slipped down my cheeks and I wiped them away. Once the song ended Matt went into another song right away. I could see the lights shining against his face and knew that he had tears in his eyes. Recording those songs about him was tough, but they managed to do it and I commend them all on it.

They ended their set with A Little Piece of Heaven where they used recorded vocals of Jimmy's. It was a good ending and the crowd loved it. I hugged them all as they exited the stage. They were sweaty, but they all had smiles on their faces.

"Good show. Now, take a shower. You guys smell bad," I giggled.

They glared at me, but walked off to their dressing room where the showers were located. I helped clean up the stage so that Disturbed could perform next. I stood at the side of the stage for a couple of the songs before heading towards the dressing room and the rest of the crew. I opened the door and was greeted with a bunch of yelling males.

"Well, Vegas is our last and final stop. Who's ready for it?" I asked.

I held my hands to my ears as the room's noise escalated to really high level. I knew they were ready for it because then we would all be home with our families and taking a breather before we headed back for more touring. I helped the guys pack up and then we headed towards the bus just as the finishing notes of Disturbed's performance played. I said goodbye to Lzzy and Archie as well as David and Corey once David had come off stage. I stepped onto the bus and then went back to my wedding plans.


We arrived in Vegas and the entire bus was anxious to stay the night. The show was scheduled for Zacky's birthday and that wasn't until the next day. I was happy to have a bed to sleep in. Kellan was supposed to meet us in a few hours. He told me that he was bringing Nikki with him and I couldn't wait to tell her the news of our engagement. I knew that I should tell Gemma first, but she wasn't able to get the time off of work to come to Vegas. I would be heading home on the twelfth and we would be back late.

We all piled off of the bus with duffle bags in hand. We checked into our rooms and then said we'd meet up at the restaurant in a few hours. I was looking forward to a little relaxation. Once inside my room I dropped my duffle bag on the floor and then collapsed onto the bed face down. I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

I didn't know how long I had been asleep, but I felt lips on the back of my neck and I snuggled closer to the pillows. I didn't want to wake up, but the lips were distracting me from my sleep. I groaned as the kisses got higher.

"Babe, you gotta wake up," a voice said from behind me.

I rolled over to my back and opened my eyes. Kellan was kneeling over me and I smiled.
"Hey, sexy," I giggled.

He chuckled and kissed me. "You slept a little longer than usual. Everyone's waiting at the restaurant downstairs," he said.

My eyes widened in shock. "Fuck," I groaned.

"It's cool. They knew you were tired. They said they would wait for you," he said.

"Good," I muttered.

He chuckled again. I got up from the bed and quickly changed my clothes in a flash. I washed my face, brushed my hair and my teeth and then walked over to Kellan. I gave him a kiss and a hug and then we went down to the restaurant. I was looking forward to the Vegas show. I knew that it was going to be a good one. I was also looking forward to going home in the next couple of days so that I could finally tell Gemma the good news.