Wonderful Life


Spending the day with both Sam and Cassie, I occupied most of my time running around and making sure that the house was picked up. Cassie now had the habit of making a mess with anything and everything she was able to get her hands on. Sam and I had to make sure that she didn't get into too much trouble and wherever we found her, she was all smiles.

Cassie was able to crawl and get around so much so that I was anxious whenever I found her around the stairs. Sam and I had managed to get a gate to put up and that kept her out of the way, though we did find her trying to pull on it and get through.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." I cooed, scratching Cassie's back lightly. It was the only way to get her up these days.

My baby girl popped her little head up, her tuft of baby-fine blonde hair fell into her eyes as she looked up at me. "Mama." She cooed, pulling herself up by grabbing onto the railing.

"Yep, Mommy's here." I lifted her out of her crib and held her to me. "Let's go wake Daddy."

Heading down the hall, over to our room and entering it, Sam was laying on his side, his back facing the door and Cassie started bouncing in my arms. She was extremely attached her to her Daddy, sometimes, he was the only person she wanted, other times, it was me.

Letting her crawl onto the bed, she wiggled her way to sit in the middle, right in front of Sam's face and cocked her head to the side, watching him intently. And before I could say or do anything else, Cassie pulled at his ear, waking him.

"Dada." She exclaimed. "Up!'

He grinned and wrapped an arm around her. "Yes, Daddy's up." He chuckled.

Sitting on the bed, I smiled and watched the two of them carry on their own father-daughter conversation, Sam doing the most of the talking while Cassie giggled and smiled at him. I loved watching them interact with each other.

"So, to what do I owe this wake up call?" He asked, looking up at me.

I smiled and sighed again. "Colbie, Brian and Kellan are coming over later. I thought that you might not want to sleep the day away and visit with them. They have something good they want to share with us. Brian said that it's big." I answered.

"Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. Work's been crazy lately. And well, running after this bug, it makes the days go by." He commented, making funny faces at a beaming Cassie.

After a little bit longer, I took Cassie downstairs to feed her lunch while Sam showered and dressed. I fed Cassie some pasta and then set her in the living room so she could watch her cartoons and play with her toys.

"So, what do you think Colbie is going to tell us?" Sam asked, grabbing some coffee.

I shrugged, wiping down the counter. "I don't know. It could be anything. It's probably good, something to do with their bands or whatever." I sighed.

"You think that maybe Kellan might pop the question? Or that he has?" He inquired.

I brushed my bangs out of my face. "Possibly. I'm not really sure. But if they do get married, I'll be happy for them. Kellan's a great guy." I answered.

"You ever think about getting married?" He questioned.

I sighed in exasperation. "Before everything with Christian, before he raped me, I wanted to. I thought about finding someone and doing the whole big affair and what not." I began, sitting down at the island.

"And after?" He joined me at the table.

Shaking my head, I leaned back. "After what he did, I....didn't think it was possible. I mean, what guy would want someone who was ruined, who had the issues I did and who would want to be with someone who had a baby from said rape? Even with you, I thought there was no way you would even want to be around me after everything that happened and I was prepared to deal with it. I would raise Cassie by myself, and just be alone. I didn't need some guy in my life who didn't understand." I explained.

"And now? Would you still consider it? Marriage?" He asked.

I grinned and sighed. "What is with the inquisition? Is this your idea of a marriage proposal?" I questioned.

"It might be." He grinned. "But you still haven't answered my question. Do you ever..."

And then the door opened and closed.

"Anyone home?" Colbie called out. "Oh, Cassie, you've gotten so big!"

I sighed. "Hold that thought." I winked at Sam, before we exited the room, to see Colbie, Kellan and Brian entertaining Cassie, who was loving all the attention.

"So, what's the news? You two said you had something to tell me?" I questioned as Brian held Cassie, smiling at both Kellan and his sister.
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Gemma - Lounging