Wonderful Life


I giggled as Kellan nuzzled his face in my neck. "Babe, stop it," I said.

"No, I love your giggle. It's so beautiful," he said as he continued to nuzzle my neck.

I couldn't help, but giggle again. The Vegas show had been awesome. Mike left Vegas via plane since that was his last show. I didn't want to see him leave, but I knew he had to. He had pulled me aside and told me that the guys really wanted me to be their new drummer. I wanted to be their new drummer myself, but I was still unsure. He had said that their manager had been looking and had found someone, but they wanted me to make a decision first before they took on the new person. It made my mind a little more frazzled.
Now, we were on our way back to Huntington Beach and I couldn't be even happier.

"Babe, are we staying in Huntington?" I asked him.

"Do you want to?" he asked.

I smiled. I had grown up there and I loved the place. "Yes. It's my home," I said.

"Then that's where we'll live. LA is a drag," he said.

I laughed. "So, New Years is a good date for you?" I asked. I wanted to be positive because I could always postpone it a few weeks if need be.

"It's perfect. We'll have a week for our honeymoon before I have to go back to working on Breaking Dawn," he said.

I nodded. I curled up into him and he started to comb his fingers through my hair. It made me sleepy so I let my eyes close.


"Baby, wake up," a voice whispered in my ear.

I groaned and snuggled closer to the warmth.

I heard someone chuckle before I felt my body being lifted. I was really tired. I wrapped my arms around whoever was carrying me and let my head rest against the shoulder. I felt my body being laid down on a soft mattress and I curled into the pillows and covers. I heard another chuckle and grunted. I had big news to tell Gemma the next morning and I needed to make sure that I was well rested.


When I woke up I was snuggled into Kellan's side. I looked at his face and couldn't help, but smile. He looked so peaceful and angelic. I leaned down to kiss his lips softly and I watched as his face turned into a smile. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me.

"Morning, baby," he said.

"Morning," I said.

"What are the plans for today?" he asked.

"Well, we need to get dressed because we have to go see Gemma. I am dying to tell her about us," I said.

He chuckled and tightened his arms around me. "Okay, well, let's kill two birds with one stone and shower together," he suggested.

I giggled at his suggestion. "Okay, but no funny business. I want our wedding night to be special," I told him.

"I promise. No funny business," he said.

I leaned down and kissed him. He kissed me back and then pulled away. "Come on we better hurry," he said.

I nodded and then slid out of bed. He followed me and we ended up making out as we stepped into the shower. I was blissfully happy. After our shower was done we got dressed and I had to yell in Brian's ear to get him up. He groaned and mumbled incoherent words at me as he walked into his bathroom to shower. I walked down the stairs with Kellan following and together we cooked breakfast. Brian came down and joined us twenty minutes after he had woken up. I pushed him a cup of coffee and he smiled at me gratefully.

We started eating and once we were done I did the dishes so I wouldn't have to worry about doing them later. Brian hadn't told Michelle yet that I was getting married and I had made all of them promise not to tell any of their girlfriends until I had told Gemma. They had agreed and I was getting even more excited. After I was done with the dishes we all piled into Brian's car and he headed over to Gemma's house. After he parked in her in driveway we all piled out and Brian headed up the walkway. He used his key to gain access.

"Anybody home?" I asked as I followed him inside. I saw Cassie on the floor playing and my eyes lit up. "Oh, Cassie, you've gotten so big," I exclaimed picking her up.

She giggled and hugged me. "Aw, you're so cute," I said. She pulled away from me and her eyes lit up when she saw Brian. He chuckled and held his arms out for her. She immediately stretched her arms out for him. I passed her off to him and she hugged him tightly. She missed us both just as much as we missed her.

I turned around when I heard footsteps coming towards us. My eyes lit up at seeing Gemma and I ran towards her and hugged her tightly and squealed in delight. I was finally around my best friend again. I pulled away and Kellan came up and gave her a hug as well. I hugged Sam when I saw him and he kissed my cheek.

"Okay, so what's the news? You told me on the phone weeks ago that you had news to tell me. I've been wondering what it is," she said with a smile.

I looked at her and then turned towards Kellan. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly as I moved my ring with my fingers so that the diamond was facing up.

"Well, I want to know more about your time here while I was gone. It's been months since I saw you last. What's new with you?" I asked delaying it a few more minutes. I wanted to break it to her at the right time.

Brian chuckled behind me and walked around us to sit down with Cassie. I sent him a playful glare before pulling Kellan towards a chair. He sat down and I sat down in his lap. His arms went around me and I leaned into him. Gemma and Sam sat down on the loveseat across from us.

"No, I want to hear your news. You're obviously really happy about it," she said.

I sighed as I played with Kellan's hands. "But I missed hearing about your days," I said looking at her.

She chuckled. "There wasn't anything special about them. After the fiasco court sessions with Christian they became boring. I worked, cleaned, and watched Cassie. Nothing much," she said.

I could tell that she was anxious to hear my news, but I was fine with that because I didn't think I could hold it in any longer.

"Colbie, just tell her all ready," Brian chuckled as he let Cassie play with his hands.

I took a deep breath and then looked at Gemma with a huge grin on my face.

"Well, while we were on tour Brian and the guys let me participate in the act a few times. Well, I was going to prank Kellan, but it didn't work out the way it was supposed to. I ended up fainting and then I was banned from doing it again," I started to explain. I shot a glare Brian's way and he just winked at me. I turned my focus back to Gemma.

"So, the next night Brian and Matt both decided to embarrass the heck out of me," I said sending him another glare and he just stuck his tongue out me.

"How did he do that?" she asked.

"He pulled me out on stage after Matt pulled Kellan out on stage. It turns out that Kellan had devised a plan with them. If Jason hadn't threatened to pull me out on stage I wouldn't have gone out on stage in the middle of the concert, but I did," I said.

"Okay, and what happened on stage?" she asked.

"Matt had given Kellan the mike and he started saying the sweetest things ever. He then got down on one knee and proposed to me in front of thousands of people," I told her.