Wonderful Life


I was so excited. My life had taken a turn for the worst, but I had been able to pick it up from the shambles and live again. I was currently in a bridal shop looking for my wedding gown. I had an idea of what I wanted. I just had to find it. Gemma had told me that Sam had proposed to her the night I had given her my news and I was really happy for her. Things were starting to look up.

Nikki, Gemma, and Lzzy were all going to be wearing a silky periwinkle-blue gown. It went to the floor and I was really excited that they liked the color. It had a wrap style around the bust area and it looked absolutely exquisite. I was really looking forward to this. I just had to find my wedding gown. The weeks were counting down and I was starting to panic.

"Colbie, calm down. You'll find your wedding dress in time," Lzzy reassure me.

"How do you know that, though?" I asked going through rack after rack of dresses.

"Because, this is meant to be. You and Kellan deserve each other," Nikki butt in.

"You really think so?" I asked turning towards her.

"Colbie, the minute he saw you he was head over heels for you. Whenever I visited him in the hospital he kept arguing with me about how to ask you out. Then you played the prank on him and he was even more sold when it came to you," she said with a soft smile.

I honestly didn't know that. I gave her a hug and continued to search the racks. I had just moved one dress aside when my heart stopped at the next one. It was absolutely gorgeous and perfect. It screamed perfection. It was simple and that's exactly what I was looking for. It was long, but simple. It gathered at the waist into a small little twist. It had embroidery and small little cap sleeves that looked like they could be detached. I fell in love with it.

"Colbie, are you okay?" Gemma asked when I had been silent too long.

I blinked and turned towards my friends with a huge smile. "Yes, I think I've found my dress," I said.

They all squealed. "I'm going to try it on. That's when you can see it," I said.

"All right, we'll be out here waiting," Lzzy said.

I took the dress from the rack and held it to my chest so my friends couldn't see it. I walked back to the changing rooms and with a dress attendant's help managed to get into the dress. I liked the little cap sleeves because it gave it a nice little vintage look that I liked as well. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Colbie, hurry up. We want to see it," Nikki's voice called.

"In a minute," I called back.

I was in heaven just looking at it. The best part was that I wouldn't need to get a ton of alterations done on it. I knew I'd need a little fabric intake around the waist and possibly the bust, but for the most part it fit perfectly. I probably would get it hemmed just a little so I wouldn't trip on it as I walked down the aisle.

"Colbie, are you coming out or what?" Gemma teased.

"Yes, I'm coming out, jeez," I said with a light tone.

They all chuckled at me. I took a deep breath and then stepped out of the changing rooms. I walked down the little hallway and stopped just before the door.

"Close your eyes all of you," I said.

"Fine," they all grumbled.

I smiled at that. I loved my friends. I finished walking out to the front of the boutique and then stood up on the little pedestal. I turned around and faced my friends with a large grin on my face.

"All right, you can open them," I said.

The reaction was simultaneous. They all gasped and then they all squealed before rushing up to me and admiring the gown up close.

"Colbie, this is absolutely gorgeous. Kellan is going to flip," Nikki gushed.

I smiled. "Thanks. I'm happy I was able to find this dress," I said.

After another five minutes of ogling the dress I went back and changed out of it. I took it to the counter and put down the first payment. I'd come back for alterations and the final payment after alterations were done. After I was done with the transaction we all left to grab some lunch.


Two weeks passed since I had found my dress. Everything was falling into place so nicely. Tonight was the rehearsal dinner. I had gotten my dress a week ago with the alterations and everything. The girls also had gotten their dresses. I was really excited. Guests that didn't live in California were flying out and booking hotel rooms for the event. I couldn't wait to get married.

"Colbie, are you ready?" Brian called up the stairs.

"Yeah, in a minute," I called back.

I grabbed my favorite necklace; one Jimmy had given me a few years ago, and placed it around my neck. I looked in the mirror and smiled at how perfect I thought I looked.


"I'M COMING," I yelled back.

I messed with my hair a little more before taking one last look at the mirror. I then left my bedroom and headed down the stairs. I saw Kellan and he pulled me in for a hug almost immediately.

"You look sexy," he whispered softly.

I felt my face blush. "Thank you," I said.

He chuckled and then lifted my chin so I was looking at him. He leaned down kissed me on the lips. I returned it just as vigorously. I wouldn't get to sleep next to him tonight because tomorrow was the wedding. The whole day was going to be used to get everything ready. The ceremony was only going to be twenty minutes long and Kellan and I were going to share our first kiss as husband and wife at midnight sharp because that's the way I wanted it to happen.

"We're going to be late if you don't stop dry fucking each other," Brian said from behind us.

I pulled away and glared at him. "Fine, let's go," I said grabbing Kellan's hand.


The rehearsal dinner went well and I was happy. Afterwards I had to part ways with Kellan. We stood in the lobby of the restaurant kissing each other. We didn't want to let go of each other, even though we knew that tomorrow we'd be together forever. I wanted nothing more than to sleep next to my future husband, but I knew that Gemma or the others wouldn't allow it. I was soon pulled away from him and dragged over to Val's car and shoved inside before it took off towards Matt's house.


The day of the wedding arrived. I woke up late, but I didn't care. My wedding ceremony wouldn't start until at eleven at night anyway. In a sense Kellan and I would have two anniversaries. New Years Eve and New Years Day would be our anniversaries because of the way we planned everything. After I had showered the girls and I went to the spa and we had massages, manicures, pedicures. We also got our hair and make-up done. It was absolutely amazing.

Once our little spa trip was done we went back to Matt's house and started to get ready. It didn't take long for me to get into my dress. I had my something blue, something borrowed, something old, and something new. I was all set. Once everyone was done getting ready we left the house and piled into the limo that was waiting for us outside. It drove us to our location. By the time we reached it, it was all ready dark. I was excited, but not nervous at all. I knew I was ready for this.


It was time for the ceremony. I had been stashed away in a small room, but I didn't care. I was more than ready. When Papa Gates came into the room to retrieve us all I stood up and gave him a huge hug. I thanked him for adopting me when he did because if it hadn't been for him then I wouldn't be half the person I was. We all left the room and lined up to the side of the doors. The music started and Lzzy and Nikki started down the aisle. Gemma followed them.

I took a few deep breaths and then a smile graced my face when I heard the notes of the wedding march start. I linked arms with Papa Gates and we started the walk down the aisle. My eyes locked with Kellan's and seeing his eyes sparkle with joy made my heart soar with pride. I felt tears at the corners of my eyes, but I held them back. Papa Gates placed a soft kiss to my cheek before placing my hand in Kellan's.

He pulled me up to the altar and we stood in front of the priest and the ceremony began. As planned our first kiss as husband and wife was at the stroke of midnight. The room erupted into cheers of joy. We ran back down the aisle and then everyone headed towards the reception hall. I was really happy that everything worked out the way I had wanted it to.


The reception was loud, but fun. We had dinner or rather an early breakfast. It was very untraditional, but I loved every minute of it. Kellan and I shared our first dance and then we then we cut the cake. We fed each other like civil people before going back to the dance floor. I was having so much fun that I didn't really want to leave. I wanted to stay longer, but I'd rather have alone time with Kellan more.

We left the reception after sharing one more dance. The limo was going to take us to the hotel a few miles away from the reception hall so that we could stay in the honeymoon suite, but when it passed the hotel all together, I got confused.

"Babe, the driver passed the hotel," I said turning towards him.

He looked at me and smiled. "Yes, because I have something so much better," he said.

"Oh?" I questioned.

"You'll see," he said.

It was dark when the limo pulled to a stop. I couldn't see much, but I knew that dawn wasn't far off. When I stepped out of the car I immediately smelled the salt water of the sea. I turned towards Kellan.

"Babe, why are we at the beach?" I asked.

He just took my hand and led me up a sidewalk. I saw a rather large shape, but couldn't make it out well. He stopped just short of the shape and then he picked me up. I squealed.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I giggled.

"Carrying my bride into our new home," he said.

My eyes widened in shock. "No, wait, are you serious?" I asked.

He smiled. "Dead serious," he said.

He opened the door and then carried me across the threshold. He set me down on my feet and switched on the lights. I gasped at the sight. He carried me into our new bedroom where we fell asleep together on our brand new bed.
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Two more chapters left

Colbie's Wedding Dress