A Better Place

Almost to Heaven

My eyes snapped open. It was so bright. The cool air filled my lungs, and I sighed in complete serenity. I felt no pain when I thought of him, I felt no shame when I thought of my family. This was heaven. I sat up, and looked at what I was lying on. It was a cloud. I looked around and saw a tiny figure in the distance. It was getting bigger and bigger every second. I stood up, and saw that I was wearing a beautiful white sun dress.

“Wow.” I whispered.

“Andie?” I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

I turned and looked, “Nanna?” In front of my stood my grand mother.

“Hello my dear.” She opened her arms. I ran into them. My grandmother died when I was seven, of cancer, “We only have a moment, There is someone who wants to see you.” She said in a whisper.

“What do you mean?” I said, “Don’t I get to spend forever with the people I love?”

“Yes, but not yet dear. You have to earn your wings.” She let me go, and stepped back, suddenly two white wings were on her back. They were somewhat small, but they suit her.

“Come on honey, I’ll take you to him.” She took my hand, “There is no need to be afraid.”

“Take me to who?” I said.

“God.” She simply responded.

We walked for what seemed like an hour. I look around and only way empty clouds, there was no one around.

“Where is everyone?” I said.

“Honey, you’re not in heaven yet. God has a job for you.” She said, “After you do the job I’ll take you to heaven with me.” She smiled. She stopped walking, and we turned around. There was a door there. Nothing special, just a plain wooden door.

“Where did that come from?” I asked.

“I’ll see you soon sweetie.” She kissed my forehead, and stepped back. I turned to ask her something, but she was gone.

I walked up to the door slowly, and knocked. It seemed rude to just go in. The door slowly opened, and revealed a plane room with nothing in it. I walked in the door, and I heard it close behind me.

“Hello Andie.” I turned and saw a man sitting on the floor with his leg crossed.

My first thought was if I were God I wouldn’t be in this crappy room sitting on the floor, “Umm… Hello… God.”

“I chose this because I can think clearly here.” He smiled and motioned for me to sit down in front of him, “I wanted to have a little chat with you.” He smiled.

I sat down, “Well you’re the boss.”

He laughed at that, “So, please tell me, why did you take your own life?”

“I was so unhappy. It’s weird though I don’t feel that here.” I said, I wondered why I had to tell
him… he is God right? Shouldn’t he know already?

“I like to have people tell me.” He said.

“Why?” I asked.

“It builds a stronger bond.” He said, “So tell me, what made you so unhappy?”

“My parents made me leave the love of my life. They made me stop talking to my best friend. I had no one I could trust. My parents didn’t love me. They loved having control over me.” I said, “I felt so empty inside, like I had no reason to live anymore. I wanted to be here.”

“I will agree, what your parents did was wrong, but that did love you. They just didn’t know how to show it.” He said, “Some of the choices they made were wrong, and unfair to you, but never doubt their love for you. They may not have cared for you like they should have, but they do grieve over your loss.”

“So I did the wrong thing?” I said.

“No, you did what you were meant to do Andie, Your actions have caused your parents to see what they should change, and treat your sisters differently.” He said, “You did what I wanted you too. Though I’m sorry you had to feel such pain.”

“So you don’t hate people who kill them selves?” I said.

“I don’t like that it has to happen, but it shows people what they are taking for granted.” He said, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I said, I mean I wasn’t going to tell God it was kind of douchy.

He laughed, “But your job is not done yet. You must earn your wings like everyone else here. Once you complete your job you will go into heaven.”

“What do I have to do?” I said.

“You are going to go back to earth in spirit form, and be a guardian angle.”
♠ ♠ ♠
please let me know what your thoughts are!
Thank you!
