Status: Updated when there is something to be updated on this.

Collection of Words


Her feet patted through the field of paper flowers with the purple sky floating above her head calmly. Many butterflies flew and fluttered all around the flowers; their wings glowing like fireflies even in the day light. The sight was beautiful and it brought a smile to her soft caring face.

She continues walking through the grass and flowers letting the slight breeze blow her hair behind her lightly. It was like a feathery touch to her soft skin. Her eyes glittered with excitement as she found the place she had been looking for.

The old deep blue willow tree was just as beautiful as when she had last been here. The slow walk turned into a slight jog as she approached the tree. As she reached it she jumped over the silver sparkling water of the creek and continued onto the shaded metallic green feathery grass by the trunk of the willow.

A bubble of laughter left her lips as she fell backwards making golden dust rise and float around her frame. After it had set she looked up at the light purple sky and watched the pale blue clouds move and change shape.

This was her favourite place in the world and the only place where she could just smile and relax.

I watched as Issac read my little story I had just random written a little over ten minutes ago and bit down on my bottom lip hard. I was nervous at the least of what he thought about it. I don’t show my work often and if I did it was usually only him that got to see it.

I let out a breath I didn’t notice I was holding in when I saw his lips pull into a smile and his eyes shin with some emotion as he looked at me.

“Leanna, this is wonderful!” He gushed. “I know you could write, but this is”

I felt the heat rise up my neck and into my cheeks. I looked down at my hands that sat in my lap and picked at the loose threads on my jeans.

“Thank you.” I said softly.
“You’re welcome; and I meant it too.”

I felt my face get warmer but this time I ignored it and glanced up at him. He was still smiling brightly with the same look in his eyes; but I couldn’t place what it was exactly. It was like he was proud of me or something.

“Can I show the guys?” He asked.

I sighed before smiling.

“Sure, but only that. Ok?”

He nodded and jumped up from his seat. He kissed my cheek and ran out the room to find River and Trent.

I smiled and looked over at the desk where the small paper flower I made sat in the sunlight.
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Well I hope you liked it :D
Comment maybe?

I'm not sure how often these will be updated but updates will happen when there is something to post; it could be more than one a day, it could be weeks apart. I dunno; I'll see :)