Status: Updated when there is something to be updated on this.

Collection of Words


His hands sat gently on my hips as he pushed forward from behind. Slowly I moved forward with him and whimpered slightly, my body starting to shake. My heart was going crazy and my stomach was twisting in ways I’m sure was not healthy.

Heat was draining from my face and hands making me feel ever colder then what I already was. Taking a step forward I noticed how much my knees were shaking and that Trent was the only thing keeping me up right. Fear was swirling around my chest make it hard for me to breathe.

“I’ve got you River, calm down yeah?”

Easy for you to say – that what I wanted to say back to him but I was too scared out of my mind to even really form words. My legs were shaking so bad it was crazy and I felt complete stupid being like this...but I just can’t help it.

I’m scared of heights.

And this was Trent’s “brilliant idea” to help me. Bullshit. Total bullshit. Why is this guy my best friend?

His hands tightened on my hips as he made me take another step forward so I was closer to the edge. Automatically my eyes closed tight so I couldn’t see anything. My heart was beating in my ears was so loud, for a while that was all I could actually hear.

My body shook worse making Trent actually wrap his arms around me from where he stood from behind. I tried to take calm breaths; it didn’t work all too well.

“You’re about half a meter away from the edge now; you don’t have to go closer.” He said quietly resting his chin on my shoulder. “I won’t let you go and you don’t have to open your eyes, but try ok?”

I bit down on my lip and he kissed my cheek trying to comfort me.

“You can’t see straight down but you can see outwards, it actually looks very pretty.” He whispered.

I nodded softly, slowly started opening my eyes. At first I saw the ground and the railing of the tall lighthouse-looking-lookout which made me froze. Slowly I lifted my eyes so I could see the view past the railing. Trent was right, it was pretty.

I could see the harbour, the boats and all the houses in the area. Yes, it was very pretty; I loved the view...but I didn’t want to be up here.

“See you did it!” Trent cheered hugging me tighter. “The view is nice right?”
“Yeah.” I mumbled out.
“Wanna go down now?”

I quickly nodded almost hurting my neck. Trent moved back making me move with him and I quickly looked down at the ground. He turned me in his arms so we were chest to chest. I wrapped my arms around him like I wasn’t ever going to let go with my frame still shaking.

Slowly he ran his arm up and down my spine getting me to relax a little. Slowly he started leading me down the stairs without letting go, which I was glad for because I think my knees would have gave way making me fall down the steps.

What felt like forever we got to the bottom and I let my knees go. Trent caught me chuckling lightly holding me like he did before when we were up the top, but this time on our knees. I rested my head on his shoulder taking deep breaths.

“I said you could do it.” He said a smile clear in his voice.

I couldn’t help but smile too. I really did it; I went to the top and looked out over the view.

“I guess I did.” I smiled pulling away to look at him. “Thanks.”