Status: Updated when there is something to be updated on this.

Collection of Words


The air whipped around me, almost seeming like it went through me instead. My hair was whipping in every which direction and my bones shuttered badly as I wrapped my arms around myself attempting to keep warm in this horrible weather.

In front of me, on the school oval, was everyone else in my sports class. They were running, smiling, warm and having fun...while I sat here hoping not to be rained on and freezing cold. It felt like I was shivering to death, I’m amazed it’s not snowing.

Letting out a long sigh I looked down at my legs; the reason what I was not running around like an idiot with everyone else. I couldn’t run anymore because the problems I had, it was like I was banded from running – from skipping, hopping; everything but walking. I never thought I would actually miss doing those things. I can still do them in a way; but I’m scared that I would hurt myself and have more pain then what I already got.

That was the last thing I wanted.

Bring my knees closer to my chest, I wrapped my arms around my waist tighter and balled my now numb hands into fists. I couldn’t feel my face either actually. I was wearing long track pants, school shirt and a hoddie; but still the wind stabbed at me like if I had nothing on. Maybe I should have grabbed a better jacket? Maybe I should have said I was sick and went to the nurse, or stayed home today.

Shaking my head I looked back at the class kicking the footballs around playing ‘king of the pack’. This was one thing that surprisingly saddens me; I’m Australian and I can’t kick an Australian football anymore.

Feeling a frown pull at my lips I set my chin down on my knees and just watched them have fun. But sitting here made me feel like I was forgotten, wasn’t part of the class let alone in the school. The teacher didn’t even notice me sitting here – once he has my note at each lesson I wasn’t there anymore.

Sighing again I closed my eyes and let myself continue to shiver; that was all could do until the end of class when I was allowed to go. It made me wonder at times if I walked away now would anyone other than my friend notice? But if I was caught walking the verandas, then well I would be in trouble. I guess that is why I always stay here.

At least I got to see my friends have fun at sport classes right?

The sudden feeling of another fabric falling over me made me jump slightly and snap my eyes open just to see a person’s legs in front of me. Slowly I looked up to see Issac smiling down at me, slightly let over placing his jacket over me like some sort of blanket.

“You looked cold sitting over here.” He shrugged. “I don’t need it till class finishes, hope it keeps you warmer.” He grinned.
“Thank you.”
“No worries.”

I couldn’t help but grin back as he turned to join the group again.

A friend like him always made me feel like I was never forgotten in times like this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Personal one somewhat, meh.

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