Status: Updated when there is something to be updated on this.

Collection of Words

Our Song.

“So I guess I’m dreaming here.”

I watched Issac sang, his fingers strumming the strings lightly making such a beautiful sound in the small room with wide curious eyes. My lips were pulled into a small smile, my heart was beating in an odd but loving rhythm and butterflies were all around in my stomach.

I completely loved the music that he could make and only he could make. His signing and they way he played his guitar was wonderful. I know that he has been playing and practicing for a couple of years now and hearing him sound like that, I know that all the time was fully worth it. I don’t know what was better than this.

“But sleep is just wasting our time.”

Glancing up from his guitar, his eyes locked with mine and I could see all his emotions. Happiness and love just being a couple of them. We shared a smile and he continued playing.

“I only want you here.”

Issac gestured for me to sit down next to him and I happily moved so I was next to him on the couch. He turned a little to face me.

“With you right here in my arms.”

I watched him finish the song like a little kid seeing ‘Lion King’ for the first time. Issac laughed softly at me as he placed the guitar besides him. He opened his arms titling his head to the side. I smiled and moved into his lap letting him kiss me softly while his arms wrapped around my waist.

He moved his lips to my cheek and let them linger there for a moment before moving back enough to look at me in the eyes smiling. I smiled back and leaned into his warmth.

“I love our song.” I whispered.