Status: Updated when there is something to be updated on this.

Collection of Words


“Wake up.”

Hearing someone whisper in my ear making their warm breath hit my neck was just enough for me to come back from sleep. Stirring I moved onto my back more and groaned lightly letting my eyes flutter open.

Blinking a few times I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes getting as much sleep out as I could. I pealed my eyes open again and looked around my room, to find it empty. Didn’t someone just tell me to wake up?

Confused I shook my head and stumbled out of my bed almost falling face first into the floor. Once I had my balance I looked down fixing my clothes, noticing a sticky note stuck to my shirt. I looked at confused and pulled it off.

‘Good morning babe :)’

Chuckling I stuck the note on my door as I walked out the room. I headed for the kitchen and grinned happily when I saw a certain person sitting at the table. I walked over to him and wrapped him up into a hug.

“Good morning.” I smiled.

He flashed me one of his stunning smiles and pushed a bowl of cereal towards me when I sat next to him. There was another bright sticky note stuck to the spoon.

‘See I do make you breakfast ;D’

I looked up at River and he simply shrugged still smiling. I took the note off the spoon and ate the food. He just watched me silently until I was finished. When I was, I placed the bowl into the sink and followed him to the lounge room. I sat on the couch and he quickly placed himself happily into my lap grinning.

“So what are we going to do today?” I asked.

Suddenly a note was in my face. I took it from him so I could see it better.

‘Something together?’
“What’s with the notes?” I asked just to have another one shoved into my face.
‘They are awesomeeee! :3’

I laughed and kissed his cheek softly before nodding agreeing. Though he could have ones that wasn’t so brightly coloured.

“Of course we can do something together.” I said softly. “I just want to relax and just sit here for a while, that sound alright?”

He nodded and placed his head on my shoulder. I could feel his warm breath fan across my neck. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, holding him closer.

After a moment I felt his head press against my chest. I looked down to see another sticky note. I pulled it off to read it, to find a love heart drawn on the piece of paper.

I grinned and placed the note over his heart before kissing his cheek again.