‹ Prequel: Brave New World
Status: Finished January 8

Can't Go Back

Let It Be.


I ended up falling asleep so I couldn’t look up any of dad’s secrets.

“D” I heard as someone rocked me.

“Hum?” I asked as I rolled over to find myself on the floor.

“D, what are you doing in here?” it was dad.

“Doing where?” I yawned.

“In the office?” he asked surprised.

“Oh, I must have just fallen asleep here” I said as I got up.

“But why?” he asked a little more force in his voice.

“What does it matter?” I asked.

“Because, I want to know,” he yelled.

“Why, dad?” I yelled as I got off the floor. “Do you have something to hide?” I shouted.

“No, I want to know why you are in here?”

“Why does it matter?” I wasn’t going to give up any time soon.

“This was your mom’s favourite room practically” he stopped and he turned to look out the door and then he sat down.

“Dad, are you ok?” I asked as I went to his side.

“No, Dorian, please” he paused to catch his breath. “Please, just go” he said as I backed up.

“No dad, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing Dorian, now please,” he snarled.

“Dad” I yelled as he started to breath heavily. “I should call an ambulance”

“No” he wheezed as I grabbed a phone and called.

“Hi, I need an ambulance… Yes… my dad… he can’t breath” I said as dad’s face started to go red. “I need you to hurry,” I yelled as I hung up.

“What’s going on?” Robert asked as he looked at dad.

“He can’t breath,” I said.

“We need to get him to a hospital” he panicked.

“I know, the ambulance is on its way,” I said.

“Ok” he said the doorbell rang.

“Hello” someone called.

“We’re up here” I called as Robert met them on the stairs.

“Get him some oxygen” I heard as they moved him from the chair to a board and they began to put an oxygen mask on him.

“On the count of three lift” I heard. “One, two, three” and they lifted him up and took him downstairs and outside.

“Do, do you think I can ride in the ambulance?” I asked as they put him in the truck.

“Sure, come on”

“I’ll meet you at the hospital” Robert called as I got into the truck.

“Ok” I said as they closed the doors.

“Is he going to be ok?” I asked scared.

“He should be” a paramedic answered.

“Has he had any problems with his lungs lately?”

“No, Uhm wait” I said as they all look up at me. “He said last night that his left lung is deteriorating, and he said that he was getting it removed next month” I said shaky.

“I think his left lung gave out. Was he doing anything that might make him breath harder?” one of them asked.

“He was yelling at me… it was my fault”

“We’re not pointing faults here,” one of the female paramedics said. “We’re here to help your father,” she said as we stopped and the doors burst open.

“What do we have here?”

“Male, early forties, having trouble breathing, left lung deteriorating” I heard as they pushed my dad out, I jumped out and followed.

“Sir, you must wait out here in the waiting room” I heard as I turned around and stopped.

“Uh, ok” I said as I sat down and just waited. I knew this was my entire fault and I couldn’t blame anyone else. If I hadn’t pushed him so hard, I didn’t really need an answer did I? But I need to know what he’s hiding.

“Dorian” I heard as I looked up and saw Robert.

“Robert’ I called as he came up to me.

“How is he?”

“He just went in, I don’t know what they are going to do to him,” I said as tears came to my eyes. “And it’s all my fault” I said.

“No, no Dorian, no it’s not,” Robert said as we sat down and waited for what seemed like forever. Finally three hours later a doctor stepped out.

“You’re here for Andreas?” he asked as I nodded. “Ok, my name is Dr. Adam, and we need you to know that we had to operate on him”

“You operated on my dad?”

“Yes, and we had to remove his left lung”

“Is he ok with one lung?”

“He would lose it soon anyways,” the doctor said.

“That’s what he said,” I said as he nodded.

“Was he scheduled for an appointment to get it removed?”

“Next month”

“Well then, he’ll be just fine”

“Can we see him?” I asked.

“Yes, follow me” he said as we started to move down the hallway. “He is still unconscious, but you can stay” he said as we got to his room and I saw dad. He lay on the bed with tubes everywhere.

“Thank you” I said the doctor as he nodded and let us be.