Status: Active


Chapter 4: Once Forgotten, Always Forgotten.

The whole movie ordeal left me feeling very odd. First off, everyone decided to see a horror movie. It's not like I'm afraid of them, cause I'm not. They just irritate me when the stupid plots. During the movie I sat unreasonable close to Logan, not that I didn't mind. It was new for me, being that close. I got goosebumps more than once I'll tell you that.

About halfway through the movie Logan's arm snaked around my shoulders. He looked at me, flashing a cheesy grin then winked and proceeded to turn around. Now, if that didn't confuse me enough...

When the movie ended we all parted and went our separate ways, mine being with Logan. We shared a few words on the short ride home. He offered to walk me to the door when we arrived at my house. It's not like me oblige so, I didn't. As I was about to walk into the house Logan pulled on my arm, wrapped me in a hug, and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

I sighed walking in the doorway, completely confused as to what just happened a few seconds ago. Logan was acting more like a boyfriend then a friend. I didn't like it, at all. I haven't had a boyfriend in a year. And last year I was going through a rebellious stage so it's not like that mattered too much. I walk into the kitchen only to be greeted by my mother. “Have a nice time, dear?” She asks.

“Oh if only words could explain.” I sarcastically rolled before trudging up the stairs to my large chic room. Once inside, I tore off my outfit and found a comfy nightgown to lounge in. It was a soft yellow with bead embroidered on the neckline. I strode over to my nightstand and lit my candles, signifying earth, air, fire, water and spirit. Yes, I'm Wiccan, it's not bad though. I just believe in different deities and such than most people. Of course, only my mother knows of my religious beliefs because it has ran in my family for generations to be a witch.

I turned my light off and let the familiar feelings of the elements graze my body. I skipped into my connected bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. Walking back into my room, I crawled into bed and was knocked out. The elements' peace drowning out any possible thoughts that might've clouded my mind.


I woke up in the morning feeling more revitalized then usual. A good sleep and a good night I announced to myself recalling the previous night. Realizing today was a saturday a smile played it's way onto my face. This meant that today I would spent my day, as I do every saturday, reading and writing in my Book of Shadows.

Quickly turning off my alarm that awoke my slumber, I head over to my closet picking out a nice and comfortable outfit for the day. I jump in the shower and hum tunes to myself as I wash the chemicals through my hair. Upon leaving, I dry myself off, dress and exit my room completely.

“Good morning mother!” I yell dancing down the stairs, exited for my breakfast. I throw a kiss on my mother's cheek and sit down at the kitchen table. Hearing my mom's sweet laughter break forth at the sight of my sudden happiness. “Don't question mom, it's saturday! My favorite day of the week!” I announce, noticing her looks of question.

“Oh yes, I had forgotten. This week was far to busy.” Mom admits before placing a steaming plate of eggs, hash browns and cooked veggies in front of me. I literally scarf it down, thanking my mother and offering help to clean the dishes. She denied as always.

I run upstairs to fetch the things I'd be needing for the day, and head outside to my hammock to enjoy the warm October rays. Today it was 50 degrees, on the last day of October. That was a first in quite awhile. I open my Book of Shadows and begin observing my surroundings, focusing on what the Goddess' are speaking to me. Looking mainly for a sign from Nyx or Hecate.

Feelings satisfied with the hours I had spent writing, I open my book about astronomy. Reading a good 20 pages about Cosmos, Galaxies and Physics. I close my book and shut my eyes, already tired from the energy I had consumed today.


I awake yet again, but not feeling peaceful. Feeling completely disoriented and scared. Wanna know why? Because well, HE was here. Clearly he couldn't leave me alone, not even on my peace days.

“What the- Logan! What are you doing here!? I was sleeping if you didn't notice.” I yell alarmed and slightly paranoid.

“Aw I'm sorry, I just wanted to see my best friend.” Logan announced, lifting me from the ground and placing me back on my hammock that he had pushed me off of mere seconds ago.

“I'm pretty sure there are nicer wake up calls out there then being SHOVED OFF A HAMMOCK.” Logan looks taken back, and sad that I was yelling at him. Oh, if only he knew I was kidding.

“Logan, take a chillsesh. I was only joking.” I purr, jumping up from the hammock patting Logan on the back. I carefully pick up my books and start walking inside, very aware where Logan's eyes were focused. I turn around suddenly, catching his eyes just where I thought they were. I smirk.

“Are you coming inside or not?” I ask, winking at him. I didn't wait for the answer, I opened the screen door and ran to my room. Placing my books back on my bookshelf. When I turned around, Logan was in my room. Invading my privacy.

“Okay, cool. Just follow me everywhere.” I mutter under my breath, glaring at him.

“I like your room, it's very... you.” Logan compliments, grinning in my direction.

“Oh really? Thanks...” I trail off, focusing my eyes somewhere away from Logan, “So why are you here?” I ask again.

“Oh right! I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the park or something.” He asks, eyes hopeful for a yes.

“Alright, Let me grab a jacket.” I give in, digging in my closet for my favorite hoodie from Notre Dame. I smile, grab Logan's hand and pull him down the stairs.

“Mom, we're going to the park! See you soon!” I yell out the door, hoping she hears.

I lock the door behind me and follow Logan's footsteps. He opens the car door for me before entering on his own side. The car ride is silent, besides the radio flowing quietly in the background. It was a nice change since I always had to listen to Logan's voice, not that I didn't like his voice. It was smooth, like velvet.

When we arrived I realized we weren't in any park close to my house. I gave Logan a questioning look and he responded with, 'thought we'd for somewhere new.' I pulled open the car door and exited the vehicle. Taking in the beautiful forest scenery surrounding the park. A smile broke free on my face as I bolted for the see-saw. I sat on one end and waited for Logan to come sit on the other.

'Logan!” I whine, “Ride with meee.” Upon hearing no response, I look around to see him and don't.

“Logan?” I ask alarmed.

I look around again and realize his car is gone. 'that bastard' I think. I quickly wipe at the tears that were forming in my eyes, and phone home.

“Mom? … Yeah, Logan left me alone at some park in Summers, can you get me?” I ask in a small voice, “Okay, thanks bye.”

I should've known he was playing a trick on me, being my friend in all.

Once forgotten, always forgotten.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh I'm so glad I got to update! Seriously, my friend is coming over in like 10 minutes and... I wanted- needed to get this done. It took a good 50 minutes, and I owe it to you guys. The chapters should be getting longer from here on out, I hope.

Enjoy and yes- I know Logan's a dick but there's a reason for his actions. You'll find out sooner or later.
