Status: A little stuck and need some help. please comment and through so ideas at me.

Love is Confusing

Chapter 3

The sun was slowly starting to rise as all the vampires departed. laney had been left alone with a not from Xavier, she opend it to read.
The lettter was beautifully written and looked like it was sculpted to the page. Her heart skipped a beat. She was so excited to see him again. That is until her rational mind kicked in.
On the way to Xaviers, Laney couldn't help but think she couldn't do this. ' This is a really bad idea. He said he doesn't know what I'm talking about.' She pulled up and parked right out front of the house. She laid her head down on the steering wheel. 'Should I really go in there? I konw he said he doesn't know but I have a feeling that he does.'
She finally desided and got out of her car. She knew it was dangerous, but she could not ignore her instincts either. 'He knows something and I will find out what it is.'
Laney was more determined now more then ever. The thought that she might find Emma tonight made her smile. That smile didn't leave her face even as she approached the front door.
A stranger opended the door for her. She knew nothing about him, but she could tell he was a vampire. Even when he tried to be normal and polite she knew there was a dangerous preditor just below the serfuce. She entered as any daft girl would and put a stupid smile on her face. 'Well here we go.' "I'm here to see Xavier." The vampire said nothing but nodded to show that he understood. He led her down the hall to a drawing room with blue walls and silver china, and there he was lounged in a chair in the back of the room. His mind on the book that sat in his lap. His eyes looked up and Laney could see so much in his eyes. She could see pain and suffering but she could also see understanding and compasion. Xavier's eyes seemed to look deep into her soal where no one else could get to.
"Laney I thought you wouldn't come. Please come and sit. May I offer you a drink?" Laney walked over and sat down. "Water would be nice please" came her reply. Xavier nodded and the vampire that answered the door left, probably to get her water.
"I am so glad you decided to come." Xavier had a smile that looked genuine. Laney hated to but she had to say the true reason she came. " I came because i feel what you told me was a lie. At least that is what my instincts tell me and they haven't stered me wrong before. So tell me where is Emma and who has her?" "I have no idea" came he cool reply.
Xavier was glad that he didn't lose his composer on that one. He did this kind of stuff all the time yet it seemed wrong this time. he was hurting this young woman, why did he care about her so much, was it because of love?