Status: active

A Battle for Love

Chapter 4

Paul walked me to third period and I’ll be darn if people didn’t look us over twice. Of course, Paul just kept talking like it was part of his everyday life. Which probably was. The only time he stopped talking to me was when we had to be split up between courts again.

“So,” Paul started after school. “We…’hangout’…Saturday, right?”

I laughed at the way he put the emphasis on ‘hangout’.

“Yes. But remember,” I said with a finger. “I’m bringing my friend along.” Paul didn’t seem to mind.

“Alrighty then,” he said coolly. “I’ll bring one of mine.” He smiled that perfect smile again before turning and walking away. Paul couldn’t stop turning back and looking at me. I just shook my head and started towards my bus.

Mom wasn’t home yet. Must be still working, I thought to myself. Dad was in the kitchen messing with the stove. He didn’t even glance my way when I walked in. The smell of burnt food and metal filled my nostrils. I just stood there, looking from him to the burning food on the stove; afraid to speak. He looked up at me, then at the clock.

“Your mom will be here any minute. I want this food cooked before she gets here, you hear?” He stared down at me with cold eyes. He left the room after slapping me in the back of the head and calling me a ‘dirty whore’. Though I was used to the words my dad had spat out at me everyday since I was 10, I would never get used to them coming from his own mouth.

Mom would be here any minute. When she gets off, she’s starving. I scrubbed the burnt pots in the sink and placed them back on the burners. I thought dad was trying to cook some yellow rice, and corn on the cob. No meat was present. Dad never cooked meat. I put the food on and hastily cleaned up the rest of the kitchen.

Dad knew that this couldn’t be done before mom arrived. 15 minutes after the food was on, mom staggered in the house. Dad ran to help her. She shoved him away.

“Where is my dinner,” she ordered.

“It’s…its cooking now mom. Give it 5 more minutes, okay?” I didn’t know what her reaction was going to be. I only hoped the food would hurry.

After I finally got my mom settled down and escaped from my dad and his horrible words, I slugged into my room. When I stepped out of the shower, I put on my PJ’s from last night and began re-reading the chapter that Paul and I hadn’t got too. Eventually, I fell asleep with the 10 pound book in my lap.


Melissa met up with me while I was walking down first hall. She wore a purple shirt that hugged every inch of her stomach and black dress pants and a black jacket that stopped in the middle of her back. The lavender flower she wore made the out fit off the charts. Melissa came and squeezed my shoulders. I smiled at her scent. She always smelt nice.

“What’s that perfume,” I asked backing away.

“It’s ‘Sexual Intensities’,” she said stepping back and spinning around once, making the smell fill the noses of those near by.

“You like?”

“It’s nice! I’m gonna need that,” I stated.

Melissa looked at me questioningly. “Why?”

“Well, you know that boy we were talking about yesterday,” I asked smiling.


“In second period, he asked me to go ‘hangout’ with him Saturday.” I saw the spark in her eyes. She was about to yell, ‘Oh my gosh!’ when I stopped her.

“But I don’t know if I should go. I mean with my parents and all.”

Melissa’s glee chilled quickly.

“Oh, you’re going to go out with him. Weather your mom or dad wants you to or not.” When Melissa says she going to do something, she’s going to do it.

“So that would mean you’d have to come with me then,” I added cautiously.

Her face lit up again. “Really,” she almost screamed the word out.

“Yes. I need someone there. So I won’t be nervous. Have you seen how hot he is?” I leaned in closer so no one could hear my statement.

Melissa’s smile got wider as she glanced past me.

“Hey, Kendra,” a deep, soft familiar voice made me tense up and turn around.

“Yeah,” I said after my cells loosened. Paul wore a green shirt today and some Levi’s jeans. He looked hot.

“Is this the girl you’re taking on Saturday,” Paul pointed at Melissa who was still smiling.

“Yeah,” I said laughing. “That’s her.”

“Awesome. Well I’m going to show you my buddy for Saturday.”

Paul turned around and Melissa and I exchanged glances.

A guy with a low hair cut stepped beside Paul. He was about 2 inches shorter than him and he was quite the eye for the ladies. It figured they’d be friends.

“This is-“Paul was cut off by his friend.

“Um, I think I can introduce myself,” the boy said with a voice not as deep as Paul’s but around that area.

Paul held up his hands and stepped back a half step. “Okay, partner. Do your thing.”

“That’s all I ask,” He turned back to us. “I’m Mitch. And you are…”

“Kendra,” I looked over at Melissa with a sly grin. “And this is Melissa.”

She was in a daze; staring at the poor boy.

“Hello…Melissa.” Mitch stared at her with awe as well. I glanced up at Paul and he was noticing it also. Melissa came to with a soft nudge in the side.

“Oh yeah.” Paul and I held in a laugh. “I’m Melissa and you’re Mitch.”

Mitch laughed.

“Well I guess we’d better start going. Bell.” I told them all.

“Yeah,” Paul backed me up.

The other two just stared at each other.

“Um…” I said.

“Yeah…Mitch, let’s go, son. Come on.” Paul took hold of Mitch’s shoulder. He had to literally drag him away. I did the same with Melissa.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler but i love my Mitchy!