Status: A little stuck need some help. send me some ideas after you read please.

Families can be good or bad


It was a beautiful night, like no other she had ever seen. The stars shown with an extra purpose tonight though Lilly couldn't think why. Tonight they just seemed to sparkle extra bright for some reason that no one but them knew.
Lilly was relaxing in the grass in a park near her house. She was just enjoying the night air.
Lilly was a pretty average girl. She was about five foot seven inches with chestnut hair and gray/blue eyes. Her facial features were soft but distinct. Her body was muscular but slender, all in all Lilly was a pretty average girl of seventeen years.
There was one thing that no one ever knew about Lilly and it was a secret that she didn't want people to know. Lilly was pregnant but that was not the secret. The secret was who the babies father is.