Status: activeee.

What Could Have Been


It was two days after my tell-all incident, and everyone was off enjoying the last day of the break. As for Justin and I, we were just laying around at his "temporary" house, watching old movies and eating whatever we could get our hands on. It was like when we first met, when everything wasn't so messed up, when I wasn't worried that the next day would be a total disaster.

I may sound melodramatic, but it's the truth.

"What movie is this again?" Justin asked while playing with the hem of my pajama shirt. I was sitting side ways on his lap, with my head against the arm of the reclining chair we were in. I tore my attention away from the plasma screen TV and gave him a look of disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? This is Titanic! A.K.A the best movie ever created!" I shouted with wide eyes. He cracked a smile and shook his head. "I don't see why it's such a good movie."

I sat up straighter to try and look more serious. "Well, first of all, it's about the whole thing with Titanic sinking, which was absolutely horrible. Then you have these two people who have completely different lives, and then they meet and it's like BAM love connection." I had to stop talking for a while so he could get over his laughing fit. I couldn't see what was so funny. "Yeah, well then they start sneaking around to see each other because she's rich and he's poor and that just didn't flow right with people back then. After a while they realize they were meant to be, but it's like right after that when they hit the ice burg!

"And if your watching it your like 'NO! No, they can't die! They like just got together!' and your on the edge of your seat and stuff because the ship is sinking and there's obviously not enough life boats for everyone. Soon enough the boat breaks in half and everyone's going to the front of the boat so that they don't have to be in the water until they have to, you know? So that's what Rose and Jack do, and they get sucked into the water and lose each other and that's when your like 'Oh my God, they cannot just broken apart like that!' but then jack finds Rose and you think that everything will be okay, because either they'll both die together or they'll get saved together.

"But nope, it ends up that Jack freezes to death and Rose finally gets saved by the only life boat that comes back and lives the rest of her life and dies an old lady." I sat back and took deep breath after I finished explaining that almost 3 and a half hour movie. Justin stared at me with an amused face before pulling me into a long kiss.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, still a little dazed.

"Because I love you." He said in a teasing voice. I punched him in the shoulder and rolled my eyes. "So that's the response I get? I practically profess my love for you, and you just roll your eyes?" He bellowed. "I see how it is, Madison. You'll regret this later."

I laughed and gave him another kiss. "That better?" I asked.

"No, I think I need another."

I leaned in again, but a voice stopped me from finishing. "Get a room you two." Chaz said in a quite loud voice. Justin groaned and threw his head back.

"Cock block." He grumbled. Chaz sat by us, the grin on his face growing with each second.

"Where's everyone else?" I wondered out loud.

"Well, the old people, I have no clue. But, uh, he won't come in here.." Chaz said, looking back behind us to the hallway that led to the front door.

"Who won't?" Justin asked. Chaz gave him a knowing look, that I immediately understood, but Justin was a different story.

"What does that mean? Who won't come in here?" He asked in a louder voice.

"Shh! Make him feel even more uncomfortable why don't you!" I whisper-yelled.

"Make who feel-" I put my hand over his mouth, while Chaz mouthed 'Ryan'. Justin's eyes widened as he mouthed back 'Oh!'.

"You need to talk to him." I said, standing up. I pulled him by the hand so he was up too and pushed him towards the hallway.

"What? No!" He objected.

"He's your best friend. You can't just not talk to him for the next two weeks!" I stopped to smile at him sweetly. "Please, for me?" I ran my hand up and down his arm slowly.

"Fine." He grumbled, falling for my trap. It always worked.

"And don't come back until you guys are practically kissing each other!" I shouted at him as he walked towards the best friend that he saw as the biggest backstabber alive.

"You're such a backstabber and everyone knows it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the fact that half of the chapter is explaining the plot of Titanic.
Lmfao. But whatever.
COMMMENTTTSSS make me happy, btw.
So you should do that. C:
Please and thank you!

*take a bow;;