Status: activeee.

What Could Have Been

Forever & Always

It was a sunny day, the sky was a deep blue color and the trees were swaying in the wind. I walked out onto the sidewalk with a positive attitude, due to having on my favorite outfit and my hair decided to look perfect that day. I was on my way to meet the only friend I had made when I moved to Atlanta, Georgia -- Felicia.

She was one of the sweetest girls I had ever met, and one of prettiest. She had incredibly long brown hair that she always straightened and swooped over her right shoulder. Her blue eyes and personality were just as deep as the sky. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was an angel.

I walked into the Starbucks that was located around the block from my home, breathing in the familiar scent. It's where we always met on Tuesday's during the Summer, usually just to people watch. It was our favorite pass time, and she could make any person seem funny. After ordering a vanilla latte, I walked over to Felicia, who was staring out the window, watching all over the cars pass by.

She finally noticed me once I sat down. She jumped up to give me a big hug, almost spilling my drink. She laughed quietly and sat down, pulling me into the cushioned seat next to hers. I sipped the latte lightly and prepared myself for her usual questions.

"So, how's Natalie?" She asked with the same interest she always had when it came to Natalie. It was like she was her own little sister or something -- another reason why I loved her. I smiled widely at her, "She's actually doing better than she was last week. That's what the doctor said."

She gave me an even bigger smile back, showing her love for Nat. "Great! That poor little girl shouldn't have to suffer through what she has. No one should."

Caring for others, just like always, I thought as she started talking about an old couple that walked in a few minutes before me and how they looked so in love. I rolled my eyes while grinning as she pointed them out. They looked very old, maybe 70 or so. The man had cane and big, round glasses. The woman wore a floral printed dress that looked like one from out of the old movies.

"They're adorable!" I whisper yelled. She nodded enthusiastically while turning her attention to some more people. I followed her actions and scanned over some people. Then my eyes landed on three people sitting across from us. I guess she noticed them right when I did, because she hit my arm the same time I hit her arm.

"Is that..?" She started.

"Justin Bieber?" I finished for her. Of course we knew who he was at the time; everyone did. And, of course, we thought he was absolutely gorgeous from head to toe. We didn't obsess over him, but if anyone asked us, we were practically fans.

"Oh my gosh, it is! And he's staring.. OMG, Maddie, he's staring at you." She whispered to me, trying to casually sneak peeks over at him. I took a quick glance over my shoulder and saw that in fact, he was staring at me. Quite obviously too. He noticed me looking an winked, making my head snap back around and a blush cover my cheeks.

"He winked at me." I whispered back to Felicia. She practically jumped out of her seat with excitement as she kept taking looks at them.

"They're whispering and pointing to you. Oh my, what if he comes over here?" It was like she was freaking out for me. I wouldn't really have minded if he came over here. It's not like it's everyday Justin Bieber hits on you at a random Starbucks..

"Maddie.. He's getting up.. He's walking! Towards us! Oh my goodness!" She had finished her sentence right whenever he was standing in front of us. He laughed softly and held out his hand towards her.

"Hi, I'm Justin Bieber." He said, speaking in one of the sexiest voices I had ever heard. She shook his hand, almost melting in her seat.

"Well, duh," She said, obviously trying not to be rude even though it came out that way, "I'm F-Felicia." He let out another laugh, making me smile. That's when he turned to me, holding out his hand again. I put mine in his, ready to just shake it like Felicia did, but he swiftly brought it to his lips and kissed the top of it. I smirked up at him as he let my hand fall back down to my side.

"Justin Bieber, and you are?" He said like he was the coolest guy in the world. It was cute, actually.

"Maddie Cress." I told him, not sounding half as starstruck as Felicia was. But you could tell I was amazed he was even talking to me. You could just tell, from the humongous blush that I could feel across my face. I looked down at my flower pattern skirt, while Felicia told him how much she liked his music and such. She was being such a little fan girl for being 16.

I heard them stop talking, so I looked up. Justin was smiling down at me, and Felicia was beaming.

"You two are very gorgeous girls, you know." He told us, but stared into my eyes. "I'm lucky to have fans with such beauty."

"Aren't you a smooth one?" I blurted out, not regretting it though. He laughed out loud this time, making people stare. He ignored them while sitting down in a chair in front of us.

While still staring into my eyes he replied with, "Just as smooth as your hands." and I think it was that moment right there that I realized I wanted to be with with him, forever and always.

"Once upon a time, I believe it was a Tuesday when I caught your eye.."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I got so many amazing comments that I decided to update again. :)
Thanks so much for saying the incredible things, and for those of you who predicted some things, I'm not giving any hints except for the ones in the actual story. Haha.

If you haven't noticed, the chapters are pretty much little flashbacks that she's having while in the present she's talking to her therapist. Just so you know. :D

Keep up with the amazing comments! They're lovely, like all of you!<3

*take a bow;;