Status: Completed.

Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop

If I couldn't have you, I'd rather be alone.

“I think that possibly, maybe, I’ve fallen for you.” — Landon Pigg

My boots click-clacked on the sidewalk. The city was alive and bustling, as usual, bright and busy and go, go, go. Cars and taxis honked at the traffic, fashionistas opened the glass doors to expensive boutiques, and people of every race, color, height, and origin were busy living their own unique lives. I looked around in wonder and almost passed by my destination, the coffee shop.

I was new to the city. Growing up in a small Georgia town, I had always wanted to live in New York City. My best friend had proposed we move to NYC and enroll in NYU for our last two years of college, and I had instantly agreed. Six weeks later, here we were. We bought a small apartment and shared it, and both of us had separate jobs on top of college. After a couple of weeks, I had gotten into the habit of stopping by a coffee shop on the corner near our apartment before work. I loved the place. It had a feel to it, something you couldn’t find in Georgia. And, to be honest…

Okay. You know you see someone, and you get all wobbly in the knees, and you start blushing, and you can’t help but feel just a tad ridiculous because you’ve never even met this person and you want to tackle and kiss them?

I’m sure you get the picture. This boy was there everyday, same time I was.

The bell rang as I opened the door, signaling that the people working there had yet another customer. The place was always busy, but not full or over-crowded. I went everyday at four-thirty.

“Hi, what can I get for you?” The cashier smiled. It wasn’t one of those I-hate-my-job-just-order-so-I-can-go-home smiles, but an actual, warm smile that’s hard to get from some people when they’re working.

“Hi.” I grinned. “Can I get a cappuccino and an everything bagel? With honey walnut spread?”

“Sure.” She rang up the total. “That’ll be five dollars and thirty-seven cents.”

I dug into my purse and grabbed my wallet. I handed her a ten-dollar bill. She thanked me, gave me my change, and handed me my receipt.

I moved away from the register, and bumped into someone. “Oh—I’m so sorry,” I spluttered and looked up. Of course, how cliché, but it was him. He was even better looking up close, with blonde-orange hair, eyes that were almost the same shade, and clear skin with a small spattering of freckles across his cheeks and nose. He was wearing a red plaid shirt, with a black vest, and a red tie. He had on gray skinny jeans.

“No, it’s my fault.” He smiled, and my knees went weak. I chastised myself for being so… weak, but in my own defense, it’s not like that happened every time a cute guy smiled at me.

Just this one.

“My name’s Jordan,” he said, extending a hand.

I broke out of my thoughts and moved back to shake his hand. “Kayley.”

“Well, Kayley, it’s nice to meet to.” Jordan smiled. He glanced at the clock at the back wall and winced. “Shoot. I’m late.”

“Gotta hot date?” I asked casually, but inside I was waiting on edge for his answer.

He chuckled. “Nah. I have to meet up with my friend to study. You know, college.” He mimed hanging.

I laughed. “Well, have fun.”

He rolled his eyes playfully. “Yeah, sure.”

“See you around,” I told him.

“I’m sure you will.” He grinned and walked past me.

I looked down and smiled, replaying what just happened in my head.

“One latte and an everything bagel?” a worker cried out.

I realized that it was my order. “Oh! Right!” I walked up to the counter and took the bag. “Thanks!” He nodded.

I walked over to a table and sat down. I took everything out of the bag and ate, thinking that the day had been a successful one.


The next day, I was back at the coffee shop, as usual. I ordered the same thing I had the day before, and sat down at my usual table, which was across from the one that Jordan usually sat at. Speaking of, he was there. He grinned and waved at me. I smiled and waved back. He motioned under the table. I looked at him questioningly and he waved me on. I reached under the table and felt around until I felt something. A paper. I pulled it off and looked at it. It was a sticky note that read, Hi there. (: — Jordan

I smiled back. He waved at me and then got up to throw his trash away. I watched him walk out the door, and wondered just what he wanted me to do. I got an idea. I drew a line under what he had written and scribbled my own greeting down. After I was done with my food, I threw my trash away, and I walked by the table, I stuck the note underneath.


Day 11: You know, you’re getting more interesting by the note. — Jordan

If you think I’m interesting now, let’s just see what happens when you really get to know me. :P — Kayley


Day 13: Okay, okay, fine. Let’s play a game. — Jordan

What kind of game we talking here? — Kayley


Day 14: Just… a challenge, if you will. — Jordan

Uh. Okay then? XD — Kayley


Day 15: So, here’s what we do. I’ll dare you to do something; you’ll do it. Then you dare me; I’ll do it. I know some people in here, so they’ll tell me whether or not you complete the dares. :P And if you’re curious as to whether or not I’m completing my dares, ask John. He’ll know what you’re talking about. — Jordan

Okay, I get it. Let’s start. :D — Kayley


Day 21: I dare you to… buy all of the bottles of chocolate milk. –J

What kind of dare is that? Alright, I did it. I dare you to… act like you’re drunk when you order. –K


Day 25: My dare for you is… the first guy in here you see wearing a purple shirt, you have to trip and fall on top of him. –J

I can’t believe I didn’t even recognize that it was you. XD Hah. You set me up! Okay, I dare you to walk in here with a guitar and sing and play, “Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop” by Landon Pigg. :P – K


Day 26: Did you enjoy my little performance? I noticed you applauding me and yelling, so don’t even lie about it. I dare you to sit and talk to me. –J


“Hey stranger.” I sat in front of him.

He grinned. “It’s nice to hear your voice again. No matter how fun passing notes is, it doesn’t beat the real thing.”

I blushed.

“Aw, and I got you blushing,” Jordan teased.

“Whatever.” I laughed.

“I dare you…” he started.

“Oh no,” I groaned.

He stared at me wickedly. I stared back, waiting for him to continue.

“I dare you to dare me to do something that you really want me to do,” he whispered.

“I dare you to kiss me.” The words tumbled out of my mouth.

“Well, I’ve never been one for losing,” he said, smiling, and leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I felt like I was spinning. When we finally broke apart, I asked, “Did we ever actually say what we’d get if we won?”

“I don’t know about you, but I certainly feel like a winner.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is totally different from any of my other entries for this contest. But I like it. :3