Blood Creates Stories and Ends Them

White Dress Stained Red

Year 1893

“Come along Mary! It’s just at the end of the road.” Victoria sung as she skipped ahead of Mary in her white lace dress.

“I don’t think this is a nice idea Victoria, what if we get caught?” Mary asked worriedly. The wind blew through her black hair as she shivered from the cold in her thin dress.

“Oh Mary, don’t be daft. I heard Mr. Jasper hasn’t been in for a while.” Victoria said as she gazed with her mischievous blue eyes at the eerie house in front of her.

“But Victoria, I don’t have a good feeling about this. Also what are we to find there? It’s just an old house as you’ve said to me.” Mary said her big brown eyes pleading for Victoria to change her mind and go home with her.

“Don’t you want to know the secrets of the Jasper family? They must have some juicy gossip we can tell!” Victoria grinned at the thought of drama. She grabbed Mary’s hand and dragged her to the old medieval looking house. They both looked up at the large black door in front of them. Victoria pushed it open and it gave a long and loud creak. She stepped in, and Mary stood shivering in the doorway. Victoria rolled her eyes and pulled her friend in. Mary yelped in fright in return she got a shhh from Victoria.

The house was very dark. All the windows were covered with long dark drapes. The furniture was dark or once was black. Dust covered the floor, tables, and pretty much everything. It looked like no one had lived here for months or even longer. They walked into the next room in silence. Suddenly Victoria slipped and fell. She looked at the floor and she was lying in a dark red pool of blood. She screamed, a scream of pure terror as she looked at the body lying next to her. Mrs. Jasper lay staring blankly at her, her eyes glazed over. Victoria got up and looked at her white dress, it was covered in blood. She saw Mary huddled in a corner crying. A tall dark man stepped into the room, a smirk resting on his lips as if this was all natural.

“Hello children,” He said flashing the girls a grin full of crooked yellow teeth. Victoria ran to Mary and hugged her. He stepped towards them.

“You’re wearing my dinner,” he hissed as fangs grew out of his teeth. The girls screamed and realized when Victoria hugged Mary she got blood all over her too.

“I’ll make you a deal, I won’t kill you I’ll turn you.” Mary started crying as he closed in on them.

Year 2007

Victoria brushed her long white blonde hair, “What color should I dye next?” Her blue streaks were fading.

“Have you done green? I did that a while ago and it looked uber cool.” Mary said as she straightened her hair.

“No I haven’t I should do it.” Victoria said with her signature grin. “When are we leaving for the party?”

“Ummm I’m thinking somewhere between 6 and 7.” Mary replied as she finished her hair. Mary got up and walked to the kitchen pulling out a glass of blood from the fridge. She downed it in about five seconds. She wiped away any blood from her face and sat down at the table.

“Are you ready yet?” Mary whined twirling her jet-black hair around her finger.

“Yeah I’ll be out in a minute.” Victoria yelled back, after a moment she came out and twirled around to show off her outfit. Mary rolled her eyes and grabbed her wallet.

“Let’s go.” The vampires walked out of their small apartment and got into their almost equally small car.

“Ugh, which club are we going to?” Mary said massaging her head, she drank too much blood.

“I’m thinking The Corset it has a new band playing.” Victoria said carelessly. When they arrived the parking lot was almost full.

“This band must have a huge following.” Mary said as she saw some excited kids yelling and fooling around with band shirts on. A tall skinny freckle face kid walked over to the girls.

“Hello ladies,” The ugly boy said eyeing them up and down. He grabbed Mary’s boob and the second he did he was on the ground. Mary glared at him and licked her hands. Her eyes suddenly turned red.

“Mary no!” Victoria yelled.

Victoria leaped onto Mary’s bloodthirsty form and pulled her to the ground. The boy pulled up his head but dropped it when he saw this sight.

“What the hell Mary! You drank your blood, why are you like this” Victoria whispered in Mary’s ear.

Mary growled in response, Victoria slapped her. She blinked and her bright red eyes turned back to a warm brown. As soon as Mary realized what she almost did she hugged her knees and cried into them.

“I’m a monster! You can always control yourself. Over 100 years of being a vampire, I still can’t stay in human form!” she sobbed into her knees her words barely audible. Victoria couldn’t think of any comforting words, she was speechless. It was true, and Victoria has been known for her blunt honesty. But right now she knew anything she said would make it worse. She hugged her best friend, that’s the only thing she could do. Another boy started walking over to them a sympathetic look on his face.

“Uhh… what’s wrong?” the brunette boy asked awkwardly.

“I’m a monster…” Mary muttered rubbing her blood shot eyes. The boy raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Come on Mary, let’s go inside.” Victoria said softly. Mary nodded and they all walked into the club. Music was blasting into the girls’ ears. With their super hearing they could hear every single mistake the band could make, so they were major critics. But tonight the music flowed; the band didn’t make any mistakes. Mary closed her eyes and swayed to the music, with a careless smile resting on her face. Victoria stared at the band, watching the singer belt out heart felt lyrics, the bassist pluck his four low strings, the guitarists strumming the melody, and the drummer keeping time. What felt like minutes turned to hours, and the band was taking a break. Mary still in a dreamy state mumbled something about getting a drink. Victoria stared at the band; the boy that was concerned about them was the singer. She wanted to go up and say hi to them but suddenly she was shy. She was normally very outgoing but because the singer saw her and Mary in a vulnerable state she was reserved.
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Please comment me if you like it. I made the second chapter but I lost it on my computer. Luckily I have most of it in my journal.