Status: New and active but slow



“Brie, we’re not fighting anymore. I’m kicking you out and you need to be gone by the time I get home from work tomorrow,” yells my mother.

“Fine!” I scream back.

You and your mother had been fighting once again and she had officially told you to get out of her house. You then go into your room and just randomly start to pack your things. While you are doing that, you hear a door slam and then the start of an engine. Apparently your mom was going somewhere. You didn’t really care where though. You grab your phone and dial the first number that comes to mind.

“Hello,” says a male voice.

“Chad,” you say while trying to hold back tears.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he immediately asks.

“My mom just kicked me out,” you say through tears.

“You can come and stay here. What did you two fight about?” replies Chad.

“Are you sure that I’d be able to stay there?” you ask.

“Yes. Now answer my damn question!”

“Well she says that I’m picking bad friends and choices in life. Apparently I’m heading down the wrong road in life and blah, blah, blah” you tell.

“Man that sucks. Do you want us to come get you right now?” asks Chad.

“No, can you get me after school tomorrow?”


“What will I do about school?”

“Don’t worry about it. You can just walk to it from my house.”

“Okay, but are you sure your parents won’t mind?”

“It’s all good. Don’t worry about it,”

“Alright thanks Chad. You’re are the best, dude I love you,”

“Haha I love you too, Brie. Now get some sleep okay,”

“Alright night,”


You hang up the phone and finish up packing the things that you can. The next day you get to school by the bus and everything is pretty much a blur to you. At the end of the school day you go back to you former home and find a note from your mother basically saying that she expected you to be gone by the time she gets home from work that night. You call Chad and the two of you talk for a few minutes before hanging up. About ten minutes later there is a knock on the door. You open the door to see Chad and his mother standing there. You let them both in and they give you long hugs.

“I’m so sorry about what happened. You can stay with us for as long as you need or want to.” says Chad’s mom.

You say thanks to his mom and then they help you to pack your stuff in to their car. As you drive away the tears start to silently fall. When you arrive at Chad’s they again both help to bring your things in. Chad’s mother then begins to speak.

“You can stay in Chad’s room until we can get the other room ready for you. I hope I can trust you two that nothing will happen between you both,”

“Of course,” you two say in unison.

You then follow Chad into his room and sit down onto his bed. He puts on some music and sits down next to you. After a minute you two start talking and just hanging out like the usual. Around six at night you and Chad join his parents for dinner.

After dinner Chad and you go back to his room to chill when his phone starts to ring. He answers it and it’s…
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so cliffhanger lol. So please comment and such. This is my first time writing and posting a story. I'm not sure if i did everything right or even if it's good. Let me know!