Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

Someone I don't talk to as often as I'd like


We started out as workmates, and still are. Thank God for Coles, right? Who would've thought such a crazy friendship could've been the result of cleaning the shelves at the store? I sure didn't.

Although, the one thing that sucks about working together is that it is totally by chance that we see each other. The boss hardly ever gives us shifts together, and I think we both know why. Talking... distracting each other... maybe. I wish we had more shifts together, more chances to hang out. Maybe we should take matters into our own hands, meet somewhere, no work involved. Why haven't we done that yet? Oh wait, my parents don't want me to!!

Regardless of what my parents think and say, you're still a good friend of mine. You are like my big sister, even though you aren't that much older than me. I know I can talk to you about anything, and that you'll laugh along with me, encourage me, advise me. And all without making me feel insecure or even stupid, like some people do. Thanks for that.

I know we don't get to talk very often, and I wish that could change. In fact, I think I will change that. I mean, we are friends, have each others email addresses, and have each other on facebook, so what's stopping us, aye? Nothing, in my opinion.

So, to all the people against our friendship, and trust me, there's a few on my side of the line, I say get stuffed. We are friends, and nothing is going to change, or stop that.

Love you heaps,
Claire xx
♠ ♠ ♠
Man, I am loving these letters. They are amazing!!!
Thanks for reading
Claire xx