Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

The person I hate the most

Dear ...

I hate you. You almost ruined everything I have. And you still don’t care. You acted all sympathetic and nice, and almost caring when I came crying to your girlfriend. But now I know it was because you had to, not because you felt guilty. You stole one of my best friends when you asked her out, and almost ruined my friendships with the other girls. You stole her again when I needed her. How? How could you do that to someone you once called a friend?

You don’t even treat her right. I watch you with other girls when she’s not around. It’s like you forget all about her. But I know you don’t, because you love her. Or so you say. Regardless of that, you even tried to flirt with me, one of her so-called best friends. But that was never going to work. I yelled, made my point clear, and you listened. But do you know why? It wasn’t because you wanted to. It was because you were just scared I’d show everyone the real you.

Here’s the deal though, I don’t need to. You sit on your high horse, thinking everyone worships the ground you walk on. Actually, we spit on it. Everyone hates you. All those times you talked yourself up, said you could take on anyone, all I wanted to do was get the guys to bash you up. And I know they would.

You probably think I should be thanking you, since I now have awesome friends, and I’ve finally found my place in the world. You probably think its all because of you. And you’re right, I’ve realised things this past year that never would’ve happened if you hadn’t turned up. But that’s the thing, you turned up, and turned my world upside down. I was happy with my friends, with my school, with life before. I’m not saying I’m unhappy now, its like life went in a full circle, and I’m back to being happy again. But that doesn’t change the fact that this past year has been hell, I almost sunk into depression (I actually researched to find the symptoms, I was that worried), my grades dropped, I almost got fired, and I wanted to drop out of school. Not just leave our school, but drop out all together, and go to TAFE or something. I’d thought it all through, and had a plan. And it was all because of you. So don’t expect me to be thanking you anytime soon.

So here’s a reality check for you. You aren’t the perfect Christian you pretend to be. You aren’t as popular as me, like you say you are. And I apologise to anyone else reading this if that sounds self-centered and egotistical. You aren’t the perfect boyfriend you think you are. You will never get the chance ruin my life, like you almost did. AND I HATE YOU WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE!!

Absolutely no love at all,
One of the many who hate you.

P.S. If you are wondering why I still appear to tolerate you on the outside, it’s for her, not you.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'd already wrote this letter for something else, but I decided to use it again.
Thanks for reading,
Claire xx