Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

Someone I've drifted away from

Dear ...

I used to have this embroidered wall hanging with two bears on it, one little, one big. Above the bears, it said "An old friend is a best friend." That was definitely true for us. We'd been friends since kindergarten, and were best friends.

I know I'm talking in the past tense, and that's the really sad thing. We've drifted, we're no longer the best friends we used to be. We aren't even close friends anymore.

We tried to hold it together, tried to organise times to hang out. And we did, a couple of times. But even then, everything was so forced. In recent times, we've only ever communicated over facebook. I called you once, saying I didn't want to lose you, and we tried to organise something. But nothing worked out, we could never come up with a definite plan. Now most communication has ceased.

I'm sorry, I never wanted it to end up like this. But it has. If I could talk to you, I would, I swear, but I have no idea what to say. I look at your facebook page, photos, wall, and I can see why we've drifted. We've both changed, I'm not just saying its you, because I know its not. We've both changed, and become complete opposites. I don't understand your life, and you don't understand mine. That's no one's fault.

Like I said, I'm sorry this is what has become of our friendship. A lot of my childhood memories are with you, and I remember how much fun we've had over the years. But I'm okay with it. I"m not a believer in fate or whatever, but I know that sometimes these things happen, and things do end. So yea, I'm cool with it. I hope you are too.

Love you heaps,
Claire xx
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Wow, weird letter. I started writing it, and never realised how much me and this girl had actually drifted. Very weird.
Thanks for reading
Claire xx