Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

Someone from my childhood


You aren't just from my childhood, but at the moment I wish you were. I wish you had never followed me to our current school, and that I had never gotten to know you again. I think my life would be a lot easier.

We were best friends for a few years, but looking back on it now, I don't really know why. You were so mean to my sister, and even me at times. What kind of friend acts like that?

Regardless of this, I enjoyed hanging out with you so much. It was always fun. Birthday parties, school holidays, excursions, camps, sleepovers, you were always there. I especially remember the threats you used to get me to loosen up, and have more fun. It worked to, I don't think I slept at sleepovers for a long time.

So yea, as much as you annoy me now, and no matter how hard I wish I could punch you, bash you, whatever, I can't forget the fun times we had as kids. So thanks for that.

And as a finishing note, I can't until school is over, because then I'll never have to see you again.


♠ ♠ ♠
So this girl was one of my best friends in primary school, and we are still at the same school now. But a few weeks ago, she waged war on me and my best friend, so I wish she'd never come to the school.
Thanks for reading
Claire xx