Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

Someone that pesters my mind - good and bad

Dear ...

You are one of my closest friends, and I know that I can tell you anything. Sometimes I just wonder what goes on in your mind. Like Hot and Cold, the song we used to scream out about the boys we knew (and usually liked)... "You're hot and you're cold, you're yes and you're no. You're in and you're out, you're up and you're down." That explains you, me, us, and our friendship well.

One month things will be going great, then all of a sudden you don't talk to me, you almost shun me. And I don't know why. I wish I did, because then I would know what I was apologising for. But I don't, and sometimes don't really want to dig to find out.

Things would be so much easier if we could just forget the past, I know that's where all our problems started. But we can't, it's what make us who we are, or at least that's what we tell each other. The past is the past, and things that we liked wouldn't of happened if it didn't.

We tell each other that no matter what, we will always be friends. But are we doomed to be like Serena and Blair in Gossip Girl, always fighting, not talking, and then making up when we need each other again. I don't want it to be like that. Do you?

I really wish I knew what I did, and I know you think the same. We've made this agreement so many times, but I'm going to say it again. Promise that if something is wrong, we won't get angry allow it to become some huge problem that could've been avoided, promise that we'll talk about it. I promise. Do you?

Love you always
Your friend
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, so since when do I upload new letters??? Are you all shocked??? I just thought it was about time, and since I'm in the middle of a double free period with nothing to do, I thought why not write some letters :)
Thanks for reading
Claire xx