Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

My Crush


You're more than a crush. You're an amazing friend too. Some girls (and even guys) can't say that because they don't talk to their crush. It's just a person they pass in the hallway, the occasional 'hi' shared between them. But we're closer than that.

Even though I get frustrated sometimes, knowing you like me too, but won't ask me out, I can understand your reasons. Even though we may never be more than what we are now, and even though I'm hoping we will be, I'm okay with it. Having you in my life is good enough for me.

Why? Because you're more to me than just 'the guy I like.' I've liked my fair share of guys, some good, some bad, but none of them have been as close to me as you are. Half of them, I haven't been able to talk to without getting nervous. But being around you, just feels, I don't know, natural I guess. I enjoy spending time with you, I enjoy the random conversations we have, I enjoy everything about our relationship.

I guess what I'm trying to say is you are my crush, no doubt about it. And yes, I am like any other girl, who dreams about someday being with the guy they like. But you are one of my closest friends too, and I think that matters more to me than anything else.

Love Claire