Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

Someone I want to give a second chance


Well second chances are long gone for us. What are we up to, like fifth? sixth? who knows. But to me, that doesn't matter, because I know I've been the reason many of those chances have fallen through.

So I'm in the middle of giving you another chance, and I'm pretty sure you are giving me one. We've hurt each other in the past, and made some bad choices when it comes to each other. But even so, we were best friends, and have still remained friends through everything, so that's got to count for something.

After publicly announcing that last point, I need to add something. I don't want to become best friends again, at least not force it upon us. I mean sure, if it happens, I won't fight it. But we both have our best friends already, and neither of us are looking for another to add to that list. I just don't want to end the school year unhappy with the way I've left things. I need you to know that after everything that's happened, we will be okay. I'm fine with it, and after our last conversation, I pretty sure you are too.

So here I am, giving you another chance. But in a way, I think I'm more giving myself a chance, a chance to make it right, and a chance to leave school totally happy with where I am, what I did and how I acted. So I'm taking the chance, I hope you will too.

Claire xx
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So I had a breakdown the other, realised that I wasn't really living the way I wanted to be. And there is no doubt in my mind that it is because my closest friends are all non-christians. I kinda isolated myself from all my christian friends, but am now realising that it was the stupidest mistake of my life. So I'm trying to fix it, and this is what this letter is about
As always, thanks for reading
Claire xx