Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

The person who gave me my favourite memory


Wow. This one is hard. There are so many memories I could write about. But I'll pick just one.
I think one of my favourites memories would have to be when I was a little kid, and my friends and I would imagine a myriad of games and situations to play out on the street. These included pretending we were at school, acting out saddle club episodes, throwing disco's in the garage for just the four of us of course, and many more.

So to ... (i'm not going to put your name), thank you for all the awesome memories you've given me. And even though we aren't friends anymore, and haven't seen or spoken in years, I know that the memories will last for a long time. Sorry if that sounded really cliche or sappy, it's memories we are talking about, they are supposed to sound like that.

Um, I guess that last thing that I want to say is that I wish we had the opportunity to create more memories, possible favourites. But just like with most things I get involved in, especially when it comes to people, our friendship dwindled into nothing. So yea, I'm sorry that we aren't able to do anything more, but maybe one day ... aye

Love ya
Claire xx
♠ ♠ ♠
Weird. Yes I know. As 30 days (or 300 days for me) nears the end, the letters seem to be getting more and more obscure and, well, weird. But oh well
Thanks for reading
Claire xx