Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

Someone that changed my life

Dear Jesus, (No, this is not going to be a prayer for anyone who is reading)

You've changed my life completely. I always knew about you, growing up in a Christian home and all. But it wasn't until a few years ago that I discovered what knowing you actually meant.

I was in year eight, and at a youth camp. It was there that I finally gave my life to you... for real. And since then, it hasn't been the same. I know, I've screwed up plenty of times, especially recently. But regardless of that, I know that you'll always be there. That's the most amazing thing about it, no matter what I do, you are the one person that will still be there when it's over. Thank you.

26th April, 2009 - I was baptised. By my pastor and my aunty. My best friends were there with me. It was freezing, but it was still one of the best days of my life.

I know that no matter what happens in the future, I will always have you in my life, and that you will continue to change my life. Thank you for that.

Love you with everything
Claire xx
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Kind of weird, but it's all true. I seem to like saying these letters are weird haha
Thanks for reading
Claire xx