Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

My ex-crush


You used to have a hold on me. For four years. But not anymore. I'm free of you, never have to worry about you ever again. Thank God.

I can't believe everything you did to me. Forgetting about my feelings for you, and the fact that you didn't return them, is that really how you treat a friend? And how could I be that naive to believe you every single time. It was ridiculous, I was ridiculous, to think that one day things would be different, that things were okay. But that's no excuse for what you did.

You changed, I can't blame you for that. Everyone changes, it's a part of life. But afterwards, you treated your old friends like dirt, traded them in for new ones. Yet when things turned ugly and didn't go your way, you held on tighter than ever. But everytime, you would end up leaving, in turn leaving people who cared about you, particularly me. I always knew when one of the many girls you dated had dumped you or rejected you, or the relationship was just not working between the two of you, because you would come crawling back, just as sorry as the time before. And everytime I would think maybe this is the time he will choose me, maybe I'll be the girl he wants to date. But the same thing always happened, you would chase another girl, forgetting about me. And that hurt. But not as much as the realisation that you were using me. The pain that brought was the worst. And that's what ended it all.

You never got any explanation as to why the next time, no one was there. I remember the confusion on your face when we passed at school, and I didn't acknowledge you at all. Well here's your explanation. I wish things could've ended differently.

From Claire
♠ ♠ ♠
It took me a few hours to write this. I didn't know what to say, or how to say it. But it's amazing how great you feel after writing a letter like this.
Claire xx