Status: Active; aiming for one update each day

30 Letters, 30 Days

Someone I wish I could meet

Dear Selena

So you probably get people saying this all the time; that they wish they could meet you. And I don't mean to add to the pile, well, maybe I do. Anyway, here we go...

You are my idol. I look to you for inspiration on a number of things; my stories and fashion, to name just a couple. You are a constant character in my fan fictions, and my outfits look strangely similar to yours occasionally. I love your style, and not just because it is yours, but because its the type of clothing style I like to wear normally. Just dressed up a little.

I wish I could meet you because you do play a large role in my life. I know that sounds kinda creepy, and I mean it in the least creepiest way, I swear. When I'm going through bad times, your music helps me stay calm, and happy to a point. When I watch Wizards, Princess Protection Program, or even random videos you've posted on youtube, I know I'll enjoy it, and end up laughing. So much so, that now my family has taken to telling me to watch videos when I'm in a bad mood and annoying them.

The other reason I want to meet you is that I admire you. You're a Christian, and so am I, but I'm still growing. I know everyone is still growing on their own Christian walk, so that's probably not really a valid comment. But I can only imagine, and I think that it would be hard to be a Christian in the entertainment business, wouldn't it? Regardless, you never seem to falter. And that is what I admire.

So, I'm really sorry if this letter sounds creepy and obsessive, but I can't help it. I'm only telling the truth. And I really do wish I could me meet you.

Love Claire
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know this sounds really generic, and kinda obsessive, but everything in this letter is true
Thanks for reading
Claire xx