Status: Updated July 25th. 2011 :D

Three Kids,One Love


“Baby I love you, I never want to let you go, the more I think about, the more I want to let you know, that everything you do is super duper cute and I can’t stand it.” My alarm blared shaking me out of my wonderful sleep.

“Damn you Christofer Drew.” I muttered to myself as I stumbled into my bathroom that was connected to my room.

After turning on the shower and stripped my pajamas off, I stepped into the warm cascading water. I shampooed and conditioned my hair, scrubbed my body and washed my face. I wrapped my yellow fluffy towel around my body and fastened it around my chest.

I wandered back into my room to pick out my outfit for the day. Today was the last day of my senior year. Time went way to fast, after the last bell rung I would be a high school graduate. I’m not sure if I wanted high school to be over. Yeah most people grumble and whine about how lame and how bad it sucks. But I’m not one of those people. School was a routine, a habit, and a safety net if you will.

I knew I wanted to go to college but I didn’t know what for. I mean I like a lot of things. Photography, art, graphic design, web design, music, and a bunch of other stuff. I’ve never been to fond of the idea of doing the same thing for the rest of your life. I like adventures, challenges, and learning new stuff. I always knew that I didn’t want the traditional nine to five job. I was never cut out for it.

I dug through my closet until I settled on a classic black and white baseball tee, that I paired with my favorite medium blue faded jean shorts. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and put on a few coats of mascara with a little bit of eyeliner on my top lid. Then I brushed my teeth and rinsed with Listerine.

“Aubrey. You better hurry, it’s almost seven-thirty.” I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

“Okay, Thanks mom!” I replied as I clipped on my jeweled zebra heart necklace that Kennedy had gotten me for my birthday last year. I paired it with my favorite peace sign bracelet that the rest of the boys gave me the same year.

Then I slipped my old beat up black converse, grabbed my backpack and rushed down the stairs.

“Morning mom.” I said as I kissed her forehead and grabbed a package of poptarts. “I’ll see you after school. Love you.”

“Have a good day honey. Love you more.” I heard my mother call after me, seeing as I was out the door.

I unlocked my car and slid in the driver’s seat. The engine roared to life as I clicked my seatbelt on. I backed out of the driveway and zoomed down our street as I headed for school. I was running a little late so I had to park in the very back of the damn parking lot.

“Aubrey!” I heard my best friend Nathan wail when I walked into his line of vision. “Oh my gawd. Girly can you believe we’re almost done with this hell hole?” he questioned.

“Ha Natey I don’t know why you hate it so much.” I laughed.

“Gurl you try to survive being around these homophobic douche bags doing your own thing, just being fabulous and see if you like it still.” He defended causing me to roll my eyes.

“Oh Natey, if you just tried to blend in and not bring attention to yourself all the time, then I think you would’ve like high school a lot more.” I told him opening my locker.

“Abbs don’t even pretend that you don’t know that I was born to be fierce and a gift to all man kind.” He said while snapping his fingers.

“I guess your right, but I’ll see you after class. We’re going to be late.” I laughed.

“Who the fuck cares! We’re almost free bee-otch!” he screamed receiving glares from the remaining teachers that were still in the hallway.

“Okay, well I’ll see you after school.” I told him.

“Okay hun. Kiss kiss.” He said as we walked towards our opposite classes.

And before I knew it the day was over and everyone racing out of the various doors ready to start their summer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aubrey's Outfit.
Hope you guys like it.
And don't worry the boys will be in the next chapter I promise. :)
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