Status: Updated July 25th. 2011 :D

Three Kids,One Love


“Mom! I’m home.” I called when I walked though our front door.

“Oh honey, how was your last day?” she asked as she bustled around tiding random things around the house.

“It was good, I guess just like any other school day.” I shrugged.

“You’ve always been different than the other kids, whether it’s the first or last day of school you just, what do you kids say theses days? Roll with the flow?” She giggled to herself.

“Umm thanks mom. I think.” I replied and she just smiled.

“Okay, well I’m going to go and pick up my room then.” I told her walking to the stairs.

“Okay dear.” She nodded while she shuffled off into the kitchen.

“Oh and on your way, can you wake up your brother, he’s going to sleep his life away.” She said popping her head back into the doorway.

“Yeah, no problem mom.” I smiled trekking up the stairs.

“Kenny?” I called while tapping on his door. “Kenny?” I called again with no reply.

I slowly creaked open the door only to be hit by a smell that only a teenage boy could cause a room. “eww.” I mumbled while I stumbled into his room.

It was almost completely black except for the little bit of light that was shinning in from the hallway. I paused letting my eyes get used to the dark. I looked in the general direction of his bed. There was a large lump hanging halfway off the bed. I shook my head and walked to his bedside.

“Kenny.” I said lowly as I poked my brother that was cocooned in his comforter. I walked to the other side of the bed only to find just my brothers face exposed from his blankets. His mouth was gaping open and he was drooling a little bit.

“Kenny. Dearest brother of mine.” I said with a giggle. “Come on Kenny, I don’t have time for this.” I mumbled while flicking his forehead.

“What the fuh…” He wailed flailing onto the floor. All of his blankets coming with him. “What was that for Abbs?” He glared from down at my feet.
“I’m sorry. You wouldn’t get up and mom told me to wake you.” I smiled innocently he just nodded and tried to rub the sleep from his eyes with the back of his hands.

“Okay, Well now I’m up and I’m starving.” He mumbled unwrapping himself from his blankets and throwing them on his bed.

“I think mom made some scones or turnovers or something.” I told him as his stomach growled in response.

“Well my mission is complete.” I laughed and headed to my room. Once I was inside I closed my door and put my backpack down at the foot of my bed. I pulled out my laptop and check my email, facebook, myspace, and etc.

Before I knew it I heard “Aubrey! Dinner’s ready!” as my dad called up the stairs.

“Okay, Coming daddy.” I said as I closed my laptop.

As I padded down the stairs I heard more than three voices. I walked into the kitchen to see all of Kennedy’s friends gathered around my mother at the island with plates in their hands. I just shook my head and smiled.

“Hey guys.” I waved once they all noticed me. I had to brace myself for pat’s charging hug. You see his hugs can knock a football player flat on his ass. Some call Pat crazy, some call him weird but I love patty boy to death, he’s a little eccentric but also one of the best friends I’ve ever had.

“Hey Pat Pat.” I smiled.

“Abbs…I missed you soooooo much! How come you never come to band practice anymore? ” he whined.

“I’ve been really busy at school. Silly!” I reminded him.

“Oh yeah. I forgot about that.” He laughed and released me from his grasp.

The next person that greeted me was Jared! He has always been my cuddly teddy bear. I hugged him and let out a content sigh.

“Good to see you again kiddo.” He said as he patted my back. I just smiled and nodded.

Next up was Garrett. “Aww Gare-bear, It’s been ages!” I giggled.

“Well Ahh-bre, I want a girl friend.” He cracked up.

All of the other guys looked at us like we were crazy. You see this winter Garrett came over to hang out with Kennedy but he was out on a date with Laurie, his long time girlfriend. I was home sick and our parents were at work, So I was alone. Garrett being the sweet heart he is, stayed made me chicken noodle soup and watched a movie with me. I remember him saying that it was my house and my “get rid of the sniffles” day. So I got to pick a movie. I just so happened to pick Open Season 2. We laughed and I fell asleep cuddled up to my Gare-Bear. I smiled at the memory and gave him a big hug.

“Hey Abbs.” John said making me blush. “hey John.” I peaked up at him through my eyelashes trying to hid the pink in my cheeks.

“Okay kids, lets eat.” My dad said. We all sat down and the boys started to shove the tasty spaghetti that mom made into their mouths.
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I wanna say thanks to tsmith :D for being the first one to comment on this story! :)
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