Status: Updated July 25th. 2011 :D

Three Kids,One Love


I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and energized, the one that you can only get on the first day of summer. Knowing that the day is your and the next one and the next one. I smiled to myself and hopped in the shower to wake up completely. When I was done I dried myself off and put some lotion on. I threw on some shorts and my favorite summer tank top. I put on my best friends bracelets that the guys made, my peace sign one, and a few of my favorite princess silly bands that Nathan gave me so we could match.

I was torn from my thoughts by my phone blaring “For your entertainment” by Adam Lambert. “Speak of the devil.” I said to myself as I dove across my bed to grab my phone from my headboard.

“Yellow Mellow.” I say as I accept the call.

“Heyy Babe!” Nate wailed into the phone.

“Whataya Want from Me?” I sang as I shook my head.

“It’s summer betch! I wanna hang out! Duh. Sometimes I think that I shouldn’t have dyed your hair blonde for you. I think you take it to heart.” He laughed.

“Oh I’m so sure Natey.” I smiled. “And come on ovah! All the boys are here.”

“Are you giving me permission to creep on all of those delicious boys?” he asked. I could just see him standing in his closet staring at the clothes that were hanging in front of him, with his hand on his hip and a smirk on his face.

“All but my brother because that would be weird.” I said. “Oh and hurry over I have to talk to you about something.” I told him.

“Okay hunny, I’ll be over there in a little bit, and can I oogle Ohh? Or is he still off limits too?” He teased.

“Yeah Yeah, Do what ever you want to him. He’s not my property and he doesn’t even like me like that. I’m still just a little girl to him.” I sighed as I admitted the truth.

“Oh darlin’ he will open his eyes sooner or later.” Nate reassured me. I just nodded even though he couldn’t see me. “Okay well I’ll talk to you soon!” he screamed right before the line went dead. I decided to wait for Nate while I ate breakfast.

I padded down the stairs with my phone in hand. In the kitchen I began to pour myself a bowl of coco puffs cereal and Nate a bowl of fruity pebbles since he was going to just get it out when he got here already. The bowls were set on the counter on the island so I just left them there and climbed up onto the chair that was kept by the edge.

A few minutes later I heard someone open the front door and close it softly. They slowly crept into the kitchen and tip toed across the tile, obviously thinking that they were being sneaky. Right as they “snuck” up behind me and I whipped around and yelled “boo!” with a smile.

“Ohh my gawd! Damn you Abbs, you scared, me half to death. Then who would people lust after?” Nate wailed in a mixture of shock and excitement.

“Oh Natey, You’re so dramatic.” I smiled as I pulled him into a hug. “Now sit down and eat before your cereal gets soggy.” I told him as I climbed back on my stool.

“Oh-tay.” He giggled as he copied my actions. It was silent except for the quiet crunching that was coming from both of our mouths, We sat like that until we were both racing to see who could drink all of their milk first. Unfortunately Nate won by a few seconds.

“What the hell, how can you do it so fast?” I asked astonished.

“I’ve had plenty of practice, hunny bun!” he winked.

“Oh ew, Natey, why? Why must you say these things?” I complained with a disgusted look on my face.

“You know people would think that you would be used to this by now.” He teased.

“Oh Nate, I will never be used to you and your over sharing.” I said with a giggle making him laugh too.

“What’s so funny?” A deep voice coated with sleep asked from behind us. I turned to see my brother and all of the other boys walking into the kitchen.

“Oh nothing I was just discussing my many talents with Abbs.” Nate replied with a smug look on his face.

“Um okay.” John said as he grabbed water and headed back into the living room to go back to sleep.

“Did he just question my skills?” Nate asked.

“I guess.” I said hesitantly.

“Oh well. Fuck him, Let’s go to the mall!” Nate exclaimed.

“Ugh alright. I need to pick up some stuff anyway.” I smiled at my girlish best friend.

I slid my wallet into my pocket, grabbed my phone and keys. Quickly scribbled a note down for my parents, telling them to call if they needed me and where I was going. I walked out the door to see Nate already in my car buckled in and smiling like a innocent little kid. I slid in the driver’s seat and started my car, within seconds he had his ipod hooked up and blaring a Jeffree Star song. And so we were off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long guys!
Shout out to my lovely new reader/commenter(idk if thats a word but roll with me) KinaxKills! Oh and the also lovely tsmith :D LOVE YOU GURL!! :)

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