Status: Updated July 25th. 2011 :D

Three Kids,One Love


I had a blast at the mall with Nathan, I was going to miss him. He was going to Hawaii for the summer to spend it with his grandma and grandpa.

He bought a hello kitty shirt and a new hoodie that had rainbow striped hearts all over it. He insisted on 'flaunting his pride and what he had to offer'. I loved him like a brother but he always acted like a sister.

I got a new lenses and case for my camera. I was pretty excited to use the new lenses. Tim, Pat's brother, and I were having a contest to see who could take the best pictures of the guys. I'm pretty confident.

By the time we got back to the house, it was nearly seven at night and I was exhausted. After Nate left, I showered and crawled into bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.


The next morning I was awakened by my door being kicked open and a rush of over excited teenage boys charging at me. Now I know some girls would love to have that happen but I was not one of them. I braced myself for the doggy pile that was about to occur.

"Morning guys, What the fuck are you doing in my room?" I mumbled into Pat's shoulder that was now covering my mouth.

"Abbs, We have the greatest news ever!" Pat screeched as he just sat on my hips.

"Do you just think it's great Pat, Or does everybody?" I asked more clearly now that he removed himself from smothering me.

"Oh We all think it's pretty rad." Jared answered with an sparkle in his eye.All of the rest of the boys nodded their heads.

"Okay, then out with it." I sighed, still slightly grumpy from my sleep interrupters.

"Okay, So..." My brother started.

"Wegotinvitedtogoonwarpedtour!" Pat cut him off.

"Come again? Pat you talk way too fast, for as early as it is." I laughed.

"We go invited to play Warped Tour this year." Garrett smiled.

"Oh my gosh! Guys that's awesome!" I wailed as I sat up and hugged all of my boys.

"Yeah, We're pretty stoked. Should be a fuckin awesome time!" John finally said something.

"I'm so happy for you guys! Your gonna all have a blast!" I smiled.

"No Abbs, We're gonna have a blast!" Kenny replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

"Well, I talked to mom and dad and they said you could come with us. And we needed a merch girl slash picture taker anyway." He smiled.

"Really!?" I asked in shock.

"Really!" They all replied in unison.

"Looks like we're about to get Warped!" I smiled.

My summer just started to look up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been so long!
but I'll update more soon!