Status: Updated July 25th. 2011 :D

Three Kids,One Love


We were all lounging in the back of the bus, Pat, Jared, Garrett and Kenny were playing a video game and John was doing something on his computer.

"It's getting late guys I think I'm gonna head to bed." I told the boys, they all just nodded and said their good nights.

John was acting kind of weird after the kiss. He was really quiet and kept to himself a lot more than usual. I just figured it was him just getting used to touring again.

I was laying in my bunk checking my email on my computer when Pat, Garrett and Kenny climbed into their bunks. Pretty soon they were out cold and snoring. I decided to get a bottle of water, I was going to ask John and Jared if they wanted one when I heard my name, making me stop and listen.

"Abbs a good kisser?" I heard Jared ask John.

"Shut up man." John said, making me wonder if he thought I was bad.

"I was just asking, because you got pretty into it." Jared stated.

"I didn't mean to, it just happened. I was just trying to shut those dumb girls up that were teasing her." John claimed.

"Well why did it happen then?" Jared asked.

"I don't know, it just felt right. I know it's wrong and creepy because she Kenny's little sister, hell she's like my little sister. I just...wanted to keep kissing her. It was like I needed to keep kissing her.I think I might like her, way more than I should." John told Jared, sounding confused.

"Well, what are you going to do now?" Jared questioned.

"Act like nothing ever happened. It's not like I can do anything about it. I mean it would just be too awkward. And Kenny would kick my ass.I think I better stay away from her a while so I can just forget about my almost feelings." John answered.

"You better not give her the cold shoulder. I think that would hurt her worse then just acting like nothing ever happened." Jared told him.

"I don't know man, I just think that if I hang out with her like normal then I will start to notice things I didn't before, like earlier when we were all just sitting here, I noticed a few things." John admitted.

"Like what dude?" Jared asked.

"Like when she smiles she gets these cute little dimples in her cheeks, or when she is board she twirls her hair in between her fingers. And when she stretches her shirt rises a little bit showing off a small patch of her golden skin." John answered.

My brows furrowed in confusion. I knew about my dimples but I never noticed the other two things he said. And I thought he was doing something on his computer, when did he look at me to notice these things? I don't know why but now knowing that John liking me back was a possibility, it seemed to make things weird. As if I had stepped into an alternate dimension. Maybe I was having a really weird dream and nothing ever happened at all.

"Alright well good luck man, make sure you don't hurt her or it won't just be Kenny you have to worry about. I'm gonna head to bed, I'm exhausted." I heard Jared say.

I scrambled for my bunk, seeing that I had slowly inched my way closer to the door during their conversation. I dove into my bunk hitting my knee on the edge.That really hurt and it also proved that I wasn't dreaming. I closed my curtain just in time, hearing Jared open the door that lead to the bunks. I tried to even out my breathing but it was kind of hard with my mind racing a mile a minute.

Did John really like me? Is that even possible? What would everyone else think? What about Garrett? What would I do if John did like me? Would it be everything I ever dreamed of? All of these questions were running through my head. And they were driving me crazy.

Ugh I just want to go to sleep, and not worry about anything that happened in the last twenty-four hours. I put a pillow over my head and slowly fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been so long guys! And sorry this is so short!

I've been working on two other stories.
Waiting for the Spark to Fade ft. Jack Barakat.


I Need You ft. Alex Gaskarth.

You should def. check them out because I will prob. be updating them more then this one because I'm not quite sure where I want to take this story, I have a couple of ideas and I have to decide which one I'm going to go with.

And thank you to everyone that has commented! (:

Make sure to comment and tell me what you think. Maybe it will help me make a choice on where I want to take the story! (:
And if you haven't yet be sure to Subscribe! :D

My Gorgeous Mibba buddies!
tsmith :D