Status: Active (:

You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

Jealousy's An Ugly Word But You Don't Seem To Care

Alex's POV

I quickly hurried after Jack, shoving past all the reporters. the flashing cameras were blinding me, and they had no fucking right to be stood in my home because of some stupid bitch who thought she could bring them into our house. I did however plaster a smile on my face, just to cover up mu annoyance with Val. I ran down the corridor.
'Jack, wait up, dude!' I yelled. He slowly turned to smile at me.
'Why do you think she'd do that. I mean she was never nice but never that horrible...' Jack said as I caught up with him. I could hear the reporters coming out of the house and pulled Jack, running towards the elevator to get away from them as quickly as possible.
I then replied to Jacks question' I don't know. But I mean we can't cover up who we are forever, can we.. We need to tell the world somehow,' I said, as the elevator doors opened widely. There was an old wrinkly lady who gave us a look as if to say you don't need to use the lift you fat fucks!. There was an awkward silence in the crammy lift all the way down to the ground floor, where me and Jack almost knocked over the old woman, rushing out of the lift as quickly as possible. We ran to the car park where my silver sports car was parked. Me and Jack hastily slid into the car.
Jack picked up on what he had been saying earlier,' I mean, what if our fans hate us... There's so many that aren't i it for the music but for the looks and what if they turn on us because there's now and even smaller chance of them dating or fucking any of us,'
I thought for a minute, considering what he said, and trying my best to focus on the road ahead of me.
'Well, if they were true All Time Low fans they would stick with us through thick and thin, no matter who we dated,' I replied. We stopped at a red traffic light. Surprisingly for Baltimore at this hour there was very little traffic. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jack plugging in his iPod and putting on our playlist, which we had made together.
The light turned green and I drove forward towards the centre of the four way junction thing. And out of nowhere a car came. Red and quite small. And crashed into the back of my car.
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I know the ending is really weird and bad and Sian, im sorry if Ive fucked up the rest of the story for you :/
But please let me know what you think :)