Status: Active (:

You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

Would Yout Take Me Home?

Jack's POV

I was shunted forwards, along with Alex. I whacked my head on the dash board and saw the other car driving off into the distance, not giving a fuck about us.
'Alex, you okay?' I asked, looking at him. He wasn't moving. 'Alex? Alex!?' I tapped his shoulder, but he didn't move. He was breathing, I could hear it, but it was still fricking scary.
'Alex!? Alex, wake the fuck up!' I was almost crying, and other people were coming over to the car. Someone opened my door and started speaking to me, but I wasn't listening. I just sat, staring at Alex, praying that he would be okay. Somewhere in this whole thing, I heard sirens, which were then replaced by paremedics talking to me, but again, I wasn't listening. One girl shouted 'It's Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low!' who screamed a little, before sounding like she was crying.
'Come on, honey, are you Jack or Alex?' A female paramedic asked. She was about fourty, and greying a little.
'I - Alex, is he okay?' I whispered.
'Are you Jack?' She asked. I nodded. 'Okay, well, we are going to take you and your friend into the hospital, and get you checked out.' She said, trying to get me out of the car. I pulled my arm back.
'Not until Alex is out!' I yelled.
'Look, sweet-heart, we can't get him out until you are. You don't want to make him any worse than he already is, do you?' She asked. I shook my head an, with her help, got out of the car. I saw press, shouting people, the crying fangirl, and some other paramedics on Alex's side of the car. I tripped several times on my way to the ambulance, and once I was inside let my tears flow. Alex was hurt. Badly. I would get the fucking maniac that did this...
'Jack?' Rian. Rian was here, and he got onto the ambulance, flanked by Zack.
'Rian? I - Alex, he - I-' I stumbled over the words, and Rian sat down beside me.
'Look, don't worry about Alex, he'll be fine. Zack has gone to check,' He said. It was true; Zack was outside by all the paremedics looking after Alex. I wiped away my tears, and Rian looked at me with worried eyes.
'Do you want me to get someone..?' He asked.
'No! I mean, uh, no,' I said. Rian looked at me weirdly, before standing up. Zack returned to the ambulance and told me they were bringing Alex inside now. I began crying again when I saw his helpless body on a one of those beds with wheels being pushed towards the ambulance.

I think it was the most difficult time in my life ever. Alex was just lying there, all these tubes going into his body, and all I could do was sit there. I just stared at his blood-stained face, wishing I was the one in his situation. But then I realised that that was selfish, because then he would have to go through what I was going through. Rian and Zack were on their way to the hospital too, and I was kind of scared of that. What if I said something I shouldn't? What if I broke the band up? Because I was thinking so much, I didn't realise we were at the hospital until a paramedic helped me up. There was a wheelchair waiting for me, and I was pushed off a different direction to Alex.
'Alex!' I called out.
'Shh, it's okay, he's in good hands.' Another female, but not a paramedic this time. I turned to look at her, and she was young; mid-twenties, maybe, with short brown hair, a nose piercing and a pink outfit thing on. She had a name tag that read 'Zoey' and she had drawn a smiley face on it.
'Huh,' I whispered, turning back around. She whizzed me off into a cubicle thing, and soon, a nurse had come in and stitched up a cut in my head I didn't even realise I had.
'Can I go and see Alex now?' I asked the nurse, and she nodded her head. She lead me, still in a wheelchair, off into a small room labled 'Emergancy'. Alex was alone in the room, and still had tubes in him. The nurse wheeled me up beside him and walked to the door.
'I'll be back in five minutes,' She said, and left. A few seconds after, Alex's eyes flickered open, and he smiled when he saw me.
'Alex?' I whispered.
'Jack,' He breathed as I kissed him. He kissed back, and I pulled away when I heard someone enter. Rian and Zack. And they had seen. Crap.
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