Status: Active (:

You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

We'll Make It Last Forever

Jack's POV

I looked over at Rian, who was looking slightly shaken. I didn't dare look at Alex - I knew his hurt would show in his face. I looked back round at the nurse. Yep. This sure was 'Zoey ( :'...
'How are you feeling?' She asked, wiping a cut on my cheek with something she pulled out of a draw.
'I'm-' I never got to answer, because Beth and Val walked in. Beth and fucking Val!
'Oh my fuck, Jack! Are you okay!?' Beth said cooly, rushing over to me. I knew she wasn't actually checking if I was okay, but if I was gay or straight. I replied as though she was asking if I was okay.
'Yeah, I'm... Good,' I breathed. The nurse wiping my cuts sighed as Beth pushed her out of the way and pushed her lips against mine. I got this game. Give-Jack-a-taste-of-being-straight game. But, soon enough, Zoey ( : prized her off of me. I looked over my shoulder. Val was just staring at Alex, arms folded, face nuetral. So why did Beth feel the need to kiss me? Oh yeah, the game...
'Look, darlin',' Beth spat. ' I don't know who you think you are, but you certanly aren't anything to do with my boyfriend!'
'Um, last I heard, I broke up with you. Don't go getting all jealous and proctive now!' I threw back. She looked hurt. I probably should have been happy, but I wasn't. That was five years of my life, there before my eyes, ready to cry. I wanted Alex, though. So badly.
'I think you two girls should leave...' Zoey ( : said. Beth turned and ran out crying. Val followed smoothly, as though she had no care in the world.
'Can we have some time alone, please?' I asked. She nodded, smiling. As soon as she was gone, I made my way over to Alex.
'Hey,' I whispered, playing with his hair. 'How are you holding up?'
'I'm doing... Okay,' He tried to smile, but I could see it was hard for him. I smiled for him.
'I know what'll make you feel better,' I laughed, leaning down and placing my lips on his. Everytime our lips touched, I could feel a surge of energy go through both of our bodies. It was magical, and as though we were made for eachother. It annoyed me that I hadn't seen it until now, but it pleased me that I had seen it at all. We had seen it at all. I pulled away.
'What about Zack?' I asked.
'Not sure,' he mummered. 'Rian'll sort it out.' I wished I could believe him, but I couldn't. There was something about his face that made me sure he would never be okay with this. I sighed and kissed Alex again, long and hard. Our lips moulded together perfectly - it was pure heaven. But apparantly, heaven has an expiry date. Rian walked back in, looking more than a little awkward. I released Alex from the kiss and sat back down in the wheelchair. I'd forgotten about, actually.
'Rian, we are so sorry,' Alex whispered.
'For..?' He asked.
'Not telling you,' Alex looked at his hands.
'It's cool. No hard feelings.' He smiled.
'And Zack?' I asked. Rian looked down.
'About him - I really don't know what to do. He's just so indipendant. He doesn't listen to others unless it concerns our music.'
'Oh, this concerns our music!' I yelled.
'I know, we just got to make him see that.' Rian said, and just left.
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I did this on my iPod Touch, which is really difficult to use, so please do excuse any minor grammar/spelling mistakes!