Status: Active (:

You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

Cut My Life Into Pieces, This Is My Last Resort

(For all those who are just clicking 'next chapter', this is now Zack's POV)

I couldn't believe it. I mean, I knew that Jack and Alex had been the two closest out of everyone in this group but I had always felt that I was the one he wanted. I was his forever and he and Jack were just dicking around. I know I should of never even considered that he was gay, But I always thought that he would be gay for me. Not Jack. But now he probably hates me.
I suddenly snapped out of my thought process as I almost banged into a pregnant woman who was taking deep breaths, as if in labour or having contractions. I would of helped her, but today i wasn't in the fucking mood. I was jsut walking round the hospital, ignoring everything around me. I couldn't actually give a flying fuck as to where as I was going; I didn't care and its fucking impossible finding your way around a hospital, especially in one as big as this. I walked forward a bit more, until the sound of two screaming girls filled my ears.
'Ohmygod! Ohmygod! It's Zack from All Time Low', I turned around and forced a smile on my face. There were two girls, who looked around 15 or 16. One of them had plum hair, while the other one had dark brown hair. They both had way too much make-up round there eyes, in my opinion kind-of zombey-ish.
'What can I do for you guys?' I asked in a shit attempt at sounding happy. They were still hyper ventilating and fanning each other.
'P-p-please c-could we have a p-p-icture with you and maybe an autograph,' she asked, trying to control herself. I loved my fans but I didn't really want a picture with them, especially as I looked like I had just got in a big fight (which of course I had, but there are certain things you don't want every fucking person whose ever walked this earth to know).
'Um guys, I can't today. I'm really sorry, but I've got a lot of shit on my plate at the moment' Like me being in love with my best friend whose probably getting it on with my other best friend right now, 'But maybe next time.' I smiled then walked away- I could feel guilty later.
I once again started on my weird walking thingy round the hospital until I eventually found the exit and slowly walked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I haven't updated in awhile, and I've kind of forgotten the details of the story so sorry if it doesn't make sense in some places.

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