Status: Active (:

You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

Most Would Claim I Live A Lie, When Pointing Out It's Easy To Predict These Things

Alex's POV

I slowly got up out of the bed as the doctor came over to me to send me home. She handed me over some prescription for pain killers or what-not then I limped out of the room. I just gave Jack the evils, which was about the best I could do when I was in fucking pain. I hoped he got the message that I couldn't be fucked with him right now, then I walked down the blindingly white corridor to see Rian on his phone.

'No Mom, we'll be on tour for Thanksgiving
No there's no way I can be back to spend it with you, we'll be in Italy.
Yes, I'll call you.
Ok, bye Mom, love you,' He rolled his eyes at me signalling towards the phone, then hung up.

'Mom?' I asked Rian, slipping his phone back into his pockets.

'Yeah, pfft,' he did his weird eye-roly thing then asked me where Jack was. I didn't want to think about him at the moment, but Rian was my best friend and he'd put up with my moaning for all the time we've known each other, and I'm sure it wouldn't kill him to listen for another few minutes.

'Well, he's still in love with Beth or some shit like that. Hey, did you know he knocked her up still loves her when she's a bitch and wants to live with her when he said he loved me. And when I suggest moving away together he gets all defensive. If we're supposed to be a proper-taken-seriously couple then how the hell can he live with his ex-girlfriend. The mother fucker needs to get his game straight,'

'Dude he knocked up Beth?' Rian looked shocked, but then again out of all people Jack would be the last person you'd expect to get someone pregnant, even if it was an accident.

'Yeah, I know right. I only found out earlier, and then he's screwing me, telling me he loves me, then the car crashes, and I get hospitalised, then some nurse starts flirting with him, then-' I stopped to take a breath-' he goes to his flat, tells his girlfriend he still loves her and then comes to tell me he's going to stay living with Beth and now everything is pretty much fucked,' Rian was stood in silence, thinking about what to say.

'You've got to admit he can't just give up everything to be with you, Alex. That is a bit selfish. And if he is going to be a daddy in 9 months, he's gonna want to be a good dad and spend time with his kid. Any good dad would want to do that with his kid and any good person would understand that,' Trust Rian to give that speech to make you feel bad and guilty about thinking stuff. We had been walking and talking, and now we came to the hospital exit.

'Dude can you give me a lift home, cause as you know my cars like, fucked,' I chuckled as I said this but then it actually hit me that my fucking car was broken! My baby was trashed, broken, fucked.

We walked through the parking lot, then I jumped into Rian's fugly car. When you're a famous rock star you don't drive your nan's old car for fuck-sake! You supposed to drive around in sexy cars that all the girls dance naked on (even though I've never known that to happen). I could see Jack running across the car park, waving his arms trying to get Rian's attention I was guessing so that he could get a lift hom. It would probably just result in him getting run over. Oh well, at least we were right by a place filled with doctors. Rian drove over to him and he got in the back. There was an awkward silence that hung in the air all the way back to Rians' house
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Hope you like it
Sorry if its just me rambling :P