Status: Active (:

You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

I Hope That You Choke When You Swallow Your Pride

Alex's POV

Jack froze. He was speechless. Unlike Beth, however, who was screaming and laughing in happiness. Jack was just standing there...Speechless. For once in my life, I could say that Jack Barakat was FUCKING SPEECHLESS! I mean, I'm not surprised, though. Jack was never one for serious relationships, just alleged five-somes.
He opened his mouth as if to say somehting then closed it again, like some retarded fish. I could feel Val pulling on my arm, wanting to leave. She was not one for awkward situations, especially with two people she despised. Jack suddenly started speaking, all of it coming out in a babble;
'What do you mean your pregnant? How? Why? Who - are you sure its mine? I mean, it could be someone elses...Couldnt it?' I couldnt help but notice how hopeful he sounded at the thought of Beth cheating on him.
'What? Me cheat on you? I would never do that to you, sweety...I love you..I want to spend the rest of my life with you!' Beth exclaimed as though it was a good thing. I could see the dissapointment in Jacks dark-brown eyes, which looked honey colour in the light. I had never noticed that...He had nice eyes. I was starting to get lost in them...Wait. What the FUCK was I talking about? It was almost like I was in love{/I] with my best friend. I mean, Im straight, with a girlfriend. Jacks straight with a 'girlfriend' who was pregnant. We were both straight. Right!?
Why am I even thinking about this? I mean yeah, I love Jack, but I dont love him... I shuddered at the thought of that.
'Come on, Alex, lets go...' The annoying arm tugging again. She wasn't going to give up, so I eventually I did.
'Hey, Jack? Me and Val aree going to head off. See you later on tonight man...' I said, slowly walking out the apartment.
'Wait!' Beth said.'What do you mean, 'tonight'? You are not going out tonight. Im pregnant. You can't go out. I wont allow you!' God, she pissed the crap out of me.
'No, sweety. I'm not going out tonight. The guys are coming here,' Jack said, looking annoyed.
'NO! I don't want a load of drunk men in MY apartment!' Protested Beth.
'MY apartment; I pay the rent,' Corrected Jack. I stood in the doorway, staring at the awkward argument between the two. Then Val gave me one final pull as the door slammed behind me and we headed off back home.
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