Status: Active (:

You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

I Don't Want To Stand Beside You

Jack's POV

I felt sick. I felt scared. I felt alone. My girlfriend, who I wished was cheating on me, was pregnant, and most definatly sure it was mine. Crap.
'Jack, arent you happy?' She asked, touching my arm. I pulled away.
'I need to lie down,' I whispered. I felt light headed, and I wished Alex hadnt left. His girlfriend was so selfish; she was probably going to go and use him as always. She doesnt actually love Alex; hes just ahot celebrity for her to use. It was wrong.He was mine. I walked into the bedroom closely followed by Beth. I flopped down on the bed and she climbed on top of me. I was so not doing this. She tried to pull my tee-shirt off and I let her, but I stopped her when she tried un-doing my belt.
'Beth,' I sighed, looking into her eyes. 'Arent we in enough shit already?' I could see in her face she was dissapointed; maybe she did love me. If that was possible.
'Jack, what are you saying? Dont you want this baby? Dont you want me?' She looked just about ready to cry. Here came her little 'if I cry you'll give in' act. No way. Not this time.
'Beth - Im a busy guy. I dont have time for this!' I almost said 'I dont have time for you,' but I stopped myself as the tears spilled over her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
'Jack, please, I-' She stopped as the silent tears stole her breath. She collapsed down on top of me, crying loudly now, and managed to get my belt un-done at the same time. She undid the button of my jeans and I pushed her off.
'Beth, please, just stop!' I yelled and walked out of the bedroom. I got to the front door when I heard her crying get closer.
'Where are you going!?' She cried.
'Out,' Was all I said, but what I really meant was anywhere but here. I slammed the door behind me and walked down the stairs to the apartment. She told me she was pregnant, said the band couldnt come over and then expected me to have sex with her!? No. No way. Not now. Not Ever.

Before I knew what was happening, I was at Alex's door for the second time today. I realised I was still shirtless, and my jeans were undone. They were falling down due to the lack of belt, and I did up the top button of the jeans and knocked on the door. It was Val who answered.
'Jack, what the hell are you-' I pushed past her and walked into the bedroom where I found Alex, busy buttoning up a shirt. He had messy her. It was his 'everyone knows what I have just been doing' hair. I looked at his feet. Bare. His belt was undone. He looked at my shirtless body and smiled.
'I didnt know I was this lucky, I mean-'
'I think I just ruined my relationship,' I whispered. He stared at me, obviously a little confused.
'I walked out on her when she was trying to - you know, I-' I was stuck for words when I heard Val start yelling from behind. I guessed she didnt want me here. Oh well. I was. She would learn to live with it.
'Damn, Jack. You have just ruind what you had with her. But you can hardly call it a relationship. She was taking everything you loved away!' Alex looked serious.
'I loved her.' Then it hit me. I had used past tense. I heard Val gasped behind me, shortly followed by the door slamming. Great. Now she was running off to tell Beth. Prick.
'Jack, seriously, I dont know what to say to that,' Alex was whispering too. He came closer to me, only the top half of his shirt buttoned, and I fell on him in a I need you right now, kind of hug. Because I was taller than him, we fell backwords, onto the bed. It should have felt..... awkward.But it felt right. I rolled off him and layed beside him, laughing. He was giggling too, and I rolled onto my side to face him. He did the same, and the feel of his breath on my face was a relief. I smiled at the same time he did, and I couldnt help but stare into his eyes. They were beautiful. For a second, I felt the need to lean over and kiss him, but I resisted, in case he thought that made me... wrong. I sighed and sat up.
'Can I-'
'Of course,' Alex said as he stood up to grab me a shirt. He knew I prefered tee-shirts, so he grabbed me a grey one. And really, I didnt know why he was wearing a shirt, but it was probably something to do with Val. I smiled as I pulled it over my head, and as I straightened it and looked up, my lips smacked against Alex's...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay Emily; I hope I havent stolen your moment, or made the story go too fast.....

Everyone else; Enjoy (: I think this story has potential, if I do say so myself XD
