Status: Active (:

You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

I Pray By The Grace Of God That There's Somebody Listening

Alex's POV

This time there was no awkwardness. It was just my lips on Jacks lips, my tongue on Jacks tongue and our bodies pressed together right up against the wall. I could hear Jack moaning in pleasure.
We carefully moved towards my bedroom with me and Jack literally eating each others faces off. I pushed open the door and stepped into the room and I pushed Jack onto the bed. Thats when it was my turn to moan.
Thats when I heard the front door click open, but me and Jack were so intense that we both ignored it. Which was probably the most stupid fucking thing I'd ever done. Because Val and Beth walked into the room to see me and Jack doing each other.
'What the fuck?'screamed Beth.
'Oh, shit,' Exclaimed Val. Both Beth and Val were already fired up from the argument earlier.
'GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOYFRIEND YOU BITCH! I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE BAD NEWS!' Val was screaming at Jack and dived on top of me and Jack to try and rip us apart. But Jack wouldn't let go of me or me of him, so instead Val resorted to slapping Jack round the face leaving a bright red hand print on his face. Thats when Beth thought she would slap me, telling me nobody sleeps with my boyfriend... Bitch, have you forgotten that he dumped just a half hour ago? God and that girl could slap hard.
'What the hell are you two doing for fucks sake?' Yelled Beth.
'OK,' Jack said, 'Beth, me and you haven't been together for about half an hour now, so I'm a free man. And me and Alex well...I guess you could say we,' Jack looked at me as if in fear of rejection. But this was real. I just didn't really know he we could tell everyone else. I mean, Zack and Rian would be pretty easy. Same with the rest of the team. But how would the rest of the world take it. I mean yeah, people were going on about Jalex the whole time but what if everybody ha-
'Alex! Alex!?' Jack was shaking me vigorously. I had obviously gotten lost in my own little world, while Jack, Val and Beth had been arguing and screaming.
I looked at Jack awkwardly and he looked back at me. And then we started laughing because right now,it was just me and Jack and that was just about fucking perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sian, you never leave me with the easy ones :)
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Btw,, I havent finished this chapter but I will finish it later :) :3
And sorry if its crap
Edit; done :)
And yes I was seriously stuck for ideas ..