Status: Active (:

You Were Fake, I Was Great, Nothing Personal

Please Don't Be Ashamed, We Are Not To Blame

Jack's POV

Everything just seemed right with Alex. Our bodies melted together as if they were made for this kind of touch, this kind of love. But - But what if Alex didn't want anyone to know? What if Val and Beth knowing made him not want us to be together? But, if that was true, we wouldn't be kissing right now...
'Alex,' I whispered, not removing my lips from his.
'What?' He gasped around another kiss.
'Aren't you - what if Beth and - are you embarrassed?' He pulled away from me and looked me over.
'About what?'
'About... About us? If there is an 'us', because if there isn't, I totally-' He stopped me speaking by kissing me again. It just felt so right.
'Jack, I - you have been my best friend for ages, and - I think - no, I know, or at least I'm pretty sure, that I love you.' He mumbled as he inter-locked his fingers with mine. And I knew at that moment, I couldn't help but love him back.
'I - I love you, too...' I whispered as I kissed him, long and hard, pushing him back on the bed.
'You're so much better at this than Val,' He smiled, and pulled me down on top of him.

Well, that was different. Very different. Who knew? I sat in bed with a sleeping Alex, breathing quietly so I didn't wake him. I smiled to myself as I remembered the moment he told me he loved me. I mean, yeah, he had said it before, but this time I knew he meant it. He showed that to me - and it was... perfect. And, like I said, different. Maybe you could say we rushed it; but we had been friends for years, so it was probably more of a 'we took it slow' kind of thing. His quiet snoring suggested he was deep in sleep, so I climbed out of bed, chucked on my clothes and walked out into the living room area. I turned on the TV and checked the news; nothing on 'Jalex'. I checked E News, and again, nothing. I smiled again and entered the small kitchen and grabbed some bread. I found a coat hanger and some of Vals hairspray, and a lighter. Me and Alex could make toast when he got up. I jumped up onto the kitchen worktop and sat for a while, thinking. That was, until Alex walked through the door, with his 'everybody knows what I've just been doing' hair, and all my thoughts were centered around him. Not that they weren't before, but know they were just on how georgeous he was. He walked up to me and kissed me, and I jumped down from the worktop. He was only in jeans; no tee-shirt. Bare feet, too. I grabbed the bread and the coat hanger and he smiled as he picked up the light and hairspray. I hooked the bread onto the hanger and as he sprayed the hairspray he lit the lighter. The bread slowly began becoming toast, and we laughed at we ate it.
'It tastes... weird,' I smiled.
'It taste like the way Val smells. God, how much of this crap does she use?' We laughed at his comment, harder than before, and thats when it happened. Thats when the key entered the lock, and about 5 people entered the apartment. They came into the kitchen, and it was Val. With press. I shut my eyes, and waited.
'But - you guys were kissing!' Val yelled.
'Really? 'Cause I thought we were making toast... and eating it...' Alex said.
'Agreed,' I chimed in.
'But - I promise, they - they were - kissing! I promise!' Val looked close to tears. I just laughed.
'Maybe you need an early night, Val,' I winked at her. She did a little high-pitched 'huh' sound, and folded her arms.
'Well, I do agree. You did go out two nights ago... oh, and, speaking of that, were did you stay last night? I was worried!' Alex said it as though he cared. Maybe he did.
'I was at Jacks. So, where were you, Jack?' Val questioned.
'Here. I slept on the sofa. Is there anything worng with best friends having sleepovers? You know what? I think I'll leave...' I said, standing up. I walked past the press, mumbling 'hello's when needed, and left the apartment. God, that girl had nerve...
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