Status: I Need Help

Death Angel

I'm Sorry

You didn't know what to do, you didn't know how you were going to break it off with mark then it hit you tell him the *not that truth. When you reached the mall you say mark was already there he look like he had a lot on his mind then he look up at you and smiled weakly.

Mark: Jessica well you see my ex came back and you know.... maybe we could still be friends

You look Dum founded at mark like e read your mind somehow and broke it off for you then you just said what you new had to be said

Jessica; that kind of weird because my dad found out and told me we couldn't be together

mark: so i guess it was fate....

Jessica; we can still hang out but as friends

Mark: friends

Mark extended out his hand to shake yours you reach out slowly but before your hand extends to shake his out of no were this girls pop's out and jumps onto of mark your jaw drops but you quickly realize that’s his girl friend.

Hello my name is Jessica you say smiling

She look at mark then at you then at your hand

Mark's girlfriend; so your the girl whose been keeping my mark safe for me

You nearly chock at the word she says to you but you keep a straight face keeping in all the words you wanted to say to her.

Jessica; no not really i just moved here from Tokyo Japan*btw your still in Japan just not Tokyo* and he was just being nice to me

Mark's girlfriend; oh thanks my names Cassidy by the way

Jessica; well it look like you to have to catch up I'll see you later then you ask both of them so Cassidy would go all weird on you*you know who I’m talking about Ashley*

Both; yea sure

you turn to walk away you feel a small tear slide across your face but you don't seem to care but you haven't got a chance to have get have some time to yourself your heart stop*great no time well your job comes first.

You found a place away from people to transform and sore into the air when you look down you see mark and his girlfriend.* u: man why did he have end up with her*^are you kidding me did you forget its not allowed^

you final reach the soul and yet again that stupid midnight angel was there trying to take the soul to hell you swoop down but stupid old you trip and fall when you look up your eyes lock into each other once again you notice his eyes are full of hate
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cliffhanger do you know who it is